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Tuesday, 21 January 2025


2025 is going to be rather hectic and some posts may be shorter than others. 

Congratulations USA

The inauguration of the 47th President of the United States was yesterday. Congratulations to President Donald J Trump, Vice President JD Vance and their families. May God bless you and your country. 

Life Progress

Personal life and growth for the year relies on so many factors falling sequentially into place at the right time to move ahead. Some of these are:

  • House sale
  • South African documentation from authorities
  • Documentation verified by South African authorities
  • Financials in place
  • Visa application
  • Emigration 

House Sale

Until the house is sold, this will be my main focus. Emigration plans cannot progress until it is complete. The sale has been and continues to be an exercise in patience. Hopefully we are almost done. A lot of preparation has gone into getting the property sale-ready and it's the best dressed that it can be.


Last week, I committed myself to producing 250 posts with relevant or interesting content for the year. That means about five posts a week to get back into daily interactions. A post each weekday is not difficult to do if my head stays firmly engaged but it's far easier to not do and once days are missed, there is a very real danger that the glitch becomes a malfunction, which leads a full breakdown. The weekends have been left free to give a buffer for any weekday which I may miss. 

While I set up my author website, which will be properly structured and much easier to navigate, I'll post some snippets of The Daighacaer as well as some of my poetic works here. 

Celebrating the wins

My first post this year was last Wednesday on the 15th of January. I'm on track with the number of posts and will keep working on improving content as I progress.


The Daighacaer Book I - Reverie

 Eryen sat deep in troubled thought under the huge oak tree’s shadows, trying to make sense of everything that had happened this day.

No one looking at him would know this, of course. His unlined brow, sporting an unruly wayward lock of wavy, dark brown, hair, shaded the strength in his gentle emerald green eyes, which appeared as calm as they always did and hid his many concerns.

It was Eryen’s custom, each day, to reflect on everything that had occurred during the day. This reflection would pass naturally into The Knowledge of Ages. The blessing and curse of yldryf. Every action, memory and detail of his and every yldryf which had ever crossed any yldryf consciousness, would remain etched in The Knowledge of Ages for eternity.

Today was a particularly difficult day and Eryen knew that his taking time to go over the myriad details was essential.

For as long as The Knowledge of Ages had been established in the yldryf, The Lady Dawne had graced the Realm of Faeré with her gentle presence each day. It was such an ordinary and accepted occurrence, that today’s events sent and were still sending shockwaves through The Knowledge of Ages.

On this day, as he did every day, Eryen arose before The Dawne’s first appearance to greet his Lady Dawne and to consecrate the day’s new beginning to her. Yet, to his shock and horror, on this day, The Lady Dawne turned her beautiful face away from him, spurning his devoted outstretched hands and arms. He still was not quite sure what to make of it. In all his personal awareness and that of the knowledge passed down to him from The yldryf over many aeons, The Lady Dawne had never repulsed a sacred greeting. Never.

Eryen turned his concentration once again to what happened at the start of this day and involuntarily shuddered.

He saw himself within the confusion once more.

Saw once more the anguish, and the uncertainty.

There was also that sense of menace which had not left him. He knew that it would remain for as long as he did not address the cause. The shock of it all was almost too much for him to bear.

His mind was still reeling as he steeled his emotions to deal with the inward and outward analysis which he knew he needed to do and which should not be delayed. He shuddered with a measure of dread as he allowed his mind to go back to the beginning of the day.

Monday, 20 January 2025


Now that the new Book I of The Daighacaer is ready for the final touches prior to publishing, I'm betwixt and between about including a prologue or simply beginning the story without any preamble. I personally appreciate knowing a bit of the back-story but can just as well do without it. 

I've also considered perhaps not putting in a prologue and gathering the 'historical' aspects of the story which I include at the beginning of each book in the series into a book of its own. This is something which will need more thought.

If you have any views on this, I'd appreciate your input.

Prologue - History of The Ages




In the Realm of Myths and Faeré

Our Fantasies

Live their lives

In the Realm of Myths and Faeré

Our very dreams

Come true

In the Realm of Myths and Faeré

Because Times are

Time survives

In the Realm of Myths and Faeré

Knowledge of Ages


In the Realm of Myths and Faeré

Lighte dwells in truth

As Darke deceives

In the Realm of Myths and Faeré

I live my life

With you


Over the aeons and for no discernible reason, fewer and fewer yldryf baby girls were born in Faeré until the ratio between yldryf men and women was so one-sided that fewer and fewer yldryf children were being born at all.

The Chief Clerics knew that unless something drastic was done, the yldryf would no longer exist and, if the yldryf were lost to Faeré, The Knowledge of Ages too would cease to exist.

When all of their combined knowledge failed to increase the number of yldryf girls born, the senior yldryf tried to encourage the younger yldryf men to accept marriage with women of their communities who were not yldryf in order that the yldryf would endure in at least some form.

Whether because of apprehension or denial of the demise of yldryf, the clerics were painfully unsuccessful and, over time, the yldryf, in Raeldysce particularly, but also in the surrounding kingdoms, were reduced to a mere handful of men.

Apart from Anoral, the Queene of Raeldysce, there were no longer any pure-blood yldryf women in Raeldysce.

Queene Anoral and King Eroyalen lamented the loss of their pure yldryf heritage but understood that life constantly changes and with it societies grow or die.

It took a direct intervention from the Deities to point out the obvious to the yldryf men.

Once their minds and spirits were decisively and inevitably opened by the Deities, it was finally clear to the majority of yldryf men that, for their heritage to continue within Time and Times in any form at all they would, indeed, need to embrace communities other than yldryf.

Nevertheless, the majority of yldryf still firmly baulked at the thought.

During the time through which the clerical debate was raging about the wisdom of diluting the yldryf bloodline, two young yldryf friends had both, at almost the same time, fallen in love with girls from different communities.

The young men were not aware of the heated discussions raging around the dilution of yldryf and consulted with The King and Queene about the situation in which they found themselves.

That the young men would stay with their true and life loves was not in question. What was in question, however, was whether any children they had together would suffer in any way by being only half-yldryf. The King and Queene consulted with the Deities but it was something about which the Deities were strangely silent.

The Royals themselves did not have any answers for the young men.

There was also nothing within The Knowledge of Ages which helped in any way to solve their dilemma.

Despite the possibility of unforeseen complications, the young men decided that their love for their life-loves demanded that their lives be joined not only in matrimony but also in children of their own. Soon, each couple found to their delight that they were with child.

All the other yldryf in the Kingdom kept themselves apart from other communities and slowly as each family grew older, more and more young yldryf boys, as they reached the age of conversion to adulthood, left Raeldysce to find life-loves outside of the Kingdom.

The yldryf of Raeldysce started dwindling and the unavoidable was looming. They were facing a very real danger of extinction.

The one young friend was Leobarden, Lebrowen’s father, who married his lifelong faeré love, Gianaira.

Lebrowen, their son, was their only child.

To his father’s delight, Lebrowen’s yldryf heritage seemed to be as strong as any true yldryf.

To his mother’s delight, the combination of yldryf and faerie endowed Lebrowen with a special heritage that, as he matured into full manhood, he was now beginning to truly explore.

The other friend, Jivdral, was Jivdreg’s father. Jivdreg’s mother, Rinaedra, was dra’en, and she passed on to Jivdreg her own unique heritage, which combined hauntingly with his yldryf bloodline.

Jivdreg’s eyes were jade, just as Lebrowen’s were, attesting to the still vibrant strength of yldryf which coursed through them.

Until Ryallor was born to Prince Eryen and his naiad bride, Princess Allara, Lebrowen and Jivdreg were the only two half-yldryf among the remaining handful of pure-blood yldryf who were living in Raeldysce Kingdom.

Every full-yldryf looked at the world through emerald green eyes.

Every half-yldryf looked at the world through jade green eyes, no matter what the race of their other parent was. Their jade eyes attested to their heritage which drew on the knowledge of yldryf ages but which also included their other uniquely different and powerful heritage from their non-yldryf parent.

Eryen’s parents, Eroyalen and Anoral, who had no time for old-fashioned notions of governance, began to step aside from active administrative duties while Eryen was still young.

The King and Queene were sitting on their veranda, looking out over the beautiful landscaped garden. The scents from the various plants and flowers danced around them, mingling into a burst of intense fragrances.

“This is my most favoured time of the day, My Love,” said Queene Anoral. “Our private time when I have you all to myself, once the obligations of governing our people are complete for the day.”

King Eroyalen smiled his acknowledgement.

He did not need to answer his wife, she knew that he felt exactly as she did.

“I’ve been thinking, Anoral,” said Eroyalen. “There are many administrative duties which Eryen is more than competent to handle, even at his young age. As the future king, he needs to learn all there is to know about the most complex strategic understanding of governing people with the powerful combination of both love and discipline. That will come with time. If we start passing the most basic of administrative duties to him, to be his own responsibilities and not as support to us or even to the administrative clerics, I believe that he will thank us later.”

“I agree,” said Queene Anoral. “There is much power in having the knowledge of the workings of the state. Our clerics always appreciate that we know and are willing to do what we ask of them.”

“Exactly!” replied The King.

“Are you considering starting now, while he is still involved with his studies?” asked Anoral.

“Yes. There is no time like the present. We’ll speak to him during our evening meal. If he accepts, we’ll begin handing over. Of course, it will be simple duties at first, and how much we transfer to him will depend on his alacrity and aptitude.”

This happened rather suddenly while Eryen was perhaps still too young to take over the Kingdom. Yet, Eryen, to his credit, undertook everything that his parents taught him with determination, if not always gladness. The first lessons were rudimentary and deathly boring. He sometimes longed to be outside with his friends rather than writing tomes of stuffy notes about how many barrels of such-and-such liquid were being stored in which building. The mundanity of it all often irked him but, he was the Heir-Prince, and his duty to the Kingdom and its people was impressed on him from before he even knew his numbers.

Sunday, 19 January 2025


What excitement!

We gathered in anticipation at the venue to finally meet our new family member. They’d been married for a couple of years and, because of international distance, we had yet to meet.

The hour came and went. In the normal course of events, this may not have been a problem but Johannesburg is not the safest city and they had flown up from Cape Town and were not familiar with the area. We were only mildly concerned at this stage since we knew that they were camping and that coverage in the camp area was not good. We also thought that perhaps they had been unable to charge their phones before leaving and add to the mix that traffic issues are always a possibility. We did question why they hadn’t called to tell us of any delay though. That was out of character.

After an hour we began to try and phone them. This set off alarm bells as calls to their phones went directly to voicemail but their social media accounts showed signs of recent activity. Why were they not answering yet their phones kept becoming active and inactive by turns?

I left messages for the Chief of our CPF (Community Policing Forum – a volunteer community group) to find out what he recommended we do but he was unavailable.

We  were in full-blown panic by this stage.

After two and a half hours of attempted communication, we were desperate. As panic began to set in, so many scenarios that we didn’t want to think about began to be discussed.

They were going to use one of the taxi services.

What if they had been in an accident? We phoned all the hospitals on what we thought would be their route. No accident victims had been admitted at any of them.

We also phoned the police stations in the area of the route but, as we didn’t know what questions to ask or where to even begin, this wasn’t any help.

What if they ordered their ride and they were picked up by criminals instead? Our hearts were racing by this stage as it was three hours after they should have arrived.

I cannot even begin to describe the feeling of helplessness that my family and I felt when we couldn’t contact our family members and when we didn’t have a clue on who to turn to for help.

We finally made a difficult decision to report them as missing persons at our local police station.

When anguish sets in, it’s difficult to think coherently but I did at last remember that I belong to an Emergency group which included Missing People and reached out to find out if they could help us, as I didn’t have a clue on what to do and who we could turn to for help. I’m so very glad that I did. I sent a text message to the group and the administrator phoned me back straight away and helped to settle my nerves a bit even while telling me what we had to immediately do, like going to the nearest police station; what forms needed to be completed; and what documentation we needed from the police in order to proceed. He also sent through a questionnaire for me to fill out with as much information as I had so that it could be posted on to the group to reach as many eyes as possible.

At the same time, I managed to get hold of the Chief of our CPF. As luck would have it, he was on duty at our local police station when we arrived and his help was invaluable as we navigated the process to file the Missing Persons Report. This was difficult for us in our state of panic as we were, understandably, stressed and irritated by what we considered to be irrelevant and indifferent questioning while our family could be in danger. I think that this may be a panic reaction by many people. We found it difficult to be rational at this stage. It was as much of an ordeal for the police who had to try and get as much relevant information from us as possible.

We became more and more despondent as the hours ticked on.

All the while, family from around the world were trying to contact our errant guests. At times the mobiles were active but each time anyone tried to call, the phones were deactivated. This added to the drama of their perhaps having been abducted (which does happen). Everyone, including the police were also now very concerned.

Finally, a call got through to one of the mobiles and a family member was able to speak to one of the couple. They were camping in Cape Town. They were not in Johannesburg and they are only due to arrive next week. They had gone sightseeing and neither had taken their phones with them. They arrived back at their camp to find hundreds and hundreds of calls and messages on their phones (more than 600).

As we looked back over earlier correspondence, it became clear where the mix-up occurred and I’m grateful that they are safe and that we did not finalise the Missing Persons report.

What we did learn from the whole episode is what to do if anyone we know ever goes missing. This is a lesson we are unlikely to ever forget.

Thank you to those who guided, comforted and helped us. Their comfort and advice helped to calm me (and us) in what was a very stressful time.

Relaxed at last, we enjoyed a pleasant family get together until much too late but, after our afternoon, we deserved it.

We are now looking forward to next week when we finally and uneventfully get to meet our new family member.

Friday, 17 January 2025


 Here's a little share of my poem which I wrote today.

Why I wrote this, I have no idea but I felt compelled and I listen when God's nudges become prods. 😜

It may have something to do with a couple of demons which were hanging on my curtain when I woke up on Tuesday. They seemed to be taunting me until I rebuked them and told them to leave in Jesus' name. They snarled as they fled out through the window. This happened once before when I had a pulmonary embolism and started to die (I was  in hospital at the time and I've had seven of those attacks, usually with multiple emboli). An horrific looking demon face, dripping blood, came at me from the wall in front of me. I couldn't move or speak so in my mind I shouted at it that it could have my body but my soul belonged to Jesus and always would. It slowly started to dissipate and then, in a flash of black and red, it was gone.These demons weren't of the same intensity (probably more mischievous looking) but I absolutely do not want them anywhere near me.

I can't understand being attacked by demons. I'm honestly not a very good Christian, although I do try. Quite disconcerting. 🙏🏻😛🙏🏻

So all that simply to say. I wrote a poem today. 🤣😘


We’re Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego
And although our story is seldom told
Through our love for our Holy Father
We remain joined soul to soul

We’re Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego
Three guys on a mission for Yahweh, our Holy God
Teaching people that God still gives freely of his Grace
Yet simultaneously wields his powerful rod

We’re Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego
Leading the charge for God even through bad to worst
We were shunned by many as we took our God-stance
Teaching our people how to love and put God first

We’re Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego
Teaching that when you put our God first
He knows you and then He puts you first
In each and everything that you do

We’re Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego
Who refused to bow to worship Nebuchadnezzar
In his fury the king raged that we were to die
By flames reaching up to sun, moon and star

We’re Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego
Loyal to God to what we thought was our end
When the flames started first at our feet
Our hands and feet bound so we could not bend

We’re Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego
We looked at one another, stood close and closed our eyes
We prayed together, gave our lives once more to our God
As we awaited our fate and our untimely demise

We’re Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego
We allowed our hearts to chant our love
Then stared in awe as a mighty miracle occurred
When we were joined by one from above

We’re Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego
We watched the fire rage until those stoking the flame
Dropped to their knees and died in vain
Calling out King Nebuchadnezzar’s name

We’re Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego
Now loosed from our bonds we remained calm
As the flames burst all around us
Yet did not touch us nor did us harm

We’re Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego
We prayed as we waited for the flames to die
We deftly jumped from the pyre as people screamed
God showed His love with power that no one could deny

We’re Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego
Our faithfulness and love for our God
Saved not only us but many others too
When the king declared Yahweh as the one true God

We’re Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego
Take our lives as your life lesson
Revere God our Father and bow to no man
Then God will bless you from this day on


Thursday, 16 January 2025

A Very Recent Human Trafficking Horror - UPDATE

UPDATE 16 January 2025: The number of Ethopian trafficking victims found in and around a suburban house in Lombardy East has been confirmed at 70. The majority have been rescued and are in protective custody.

Every day seems to bring about another revelation of some atrocity which has occurred somewhere in the world . Last week, two streets away from where I live, more than two dozen Ethopian minors (all under the age of seventeen) were rescued from a residential property. About another two dozen or so are unaccounted for. A resident noticed these two dozen young men running through the streets of our suburb stark naked. At the same time another resident reported on our Emergency WhatsApp group that a break-in and robbery was in progress at the said property. It was not a robbery, it was these young men desperately trying to break-out and escape from their trafficking situation. They used only their frail bodies to break a window and burglar bars. The neighbourhood CPF (community policing forum) as well as private security companies and the police were called in. Neighbourhoods rely quite extensively on private security companies and their residents to keep the peace. The police resources in South Africa, and particularly in the Johannesburg area, are stretched beyond their capability. 

We originally thought that it was an initiation of sorts - either for school (which has just commenced for the year in South Africa) or 'coming of age' rites which are common in Africa. The two dozen or so young men who escaped, scattered and disappeared into the night. This group has not yet been found. They must be terrified because, from discussion with those who were rescued from the house, they were told that if they told anyone, especially the police, they would be arrested and tortured. Imagine being in a foreign country, not being able to speak the language and being terrified of any interaction with anyone other than your traffickers? We are all still keeping watch for any sign of these 'escaped' youngsters. Hopefully, if any of them is found, that will lead the authorities to others.

Apart from this two dozen who 'escaped', another twenty six were found in terrible condition still inside the house and grounds, all naked and starving. Eleven, who were in the worst condition, were taken straight to hospital and, unfortunately, reports are that three of them have died of their wounds. The remaining fifteen were taken to the nearest police station for safety. Our community donated clothes and warm food for them until they can be moved to a more secure facility before being repatriated to Ethopia. Three Ethopian captors with a rifle were captured.

When will the madness stop?

God is Love. For us, as Christians, this is particularly important because it points the way to Our Lord, Jesus Christ. There has been much talk lately about raising the vibration of the earth and the people of the earth. The only way to do this is to manifest God's love in our lives. How very difficult this can be at times when horrors are close to home but it is only us who can do it.



When The Lord brings together
Those whom He loves and trusts
To do His work to save His people
He draws us in from across His Earth

From dark of night to light of day
All He wants from us is to spread His Word
For His Love for all to be shared and heard
Because where we go one we go all

When times are tough and life feels rough
Stand firm with His words in our mouths
God has no need of our time or space
He knows He's already won this race

Wednesday, 15 January 2025

Book One Becomes Book Two

Life has taken some crazy twists and turns lately, not least of all is the entirely new direction of The Daighacaer. 

The past couple of years have produced introspection, retrospection and probably every '-spection' that one can imagine.

In December of 2021, I was the victim of an armed home invasion and robbery which left me vulnerable and shaken to the core. Johannesburg, South Africa, is infamous for its high crime rate so, everything considered, I was protected and blessed in the extreme. I was not harmed or worse and the robbers got away with very little.  God and His angels not only surrounded the house, they were with me in the house. God's protection during the robbery is a blog in itself and will be written in the near future from far away from here.

In 2022, to get my mind off the horror of it all, I spent six months with my children in Scotland. It took three weeks for my nerves to settle. It was amazing, actually. I woke up one morning and was completely at peace. What a wonderful feeling. I didn't realise how stressed I was. I knew that I was stressed but the release of probably years of tension felt like living in a brand new body. Heavenly.

This brings me to the topic of this post, The Daighacaer. I used the time and my peace of mind in Scotland to review all that I had already written of my story. When I started writing The Daighacaer, I had a definite structure in mind. Well, in one of my '-spection' moments, I tossed out the structure and began anew. 'Escape from Mount Vilipend' (book one) was relegated to second place and 'The Power of One' became book one. During that short six months in Scotland, I finished writing and first-editing both Book One and Book Two. 

During my time abroad, I also decided that, if I'm to live my life in peace, I need to leave South Africa. Thus began the current whirlwind in which I'm living. After much research, Portugal is my chosen country to live. The house is on the market and, by God's Grace, the sale will soon be finalised. As soon as that is done, the visa process can begin. Exciting times.

My writing has, for the most part and understandably, been put on hold for the time being. The books will be self-published with input from a number of professionals who will help to produce the best work possible. Time and other factors dictate that they will be published later this year when I've settled in Portugal.  I can't wait.