When I sat down to write today's post, it was going to be a short one because I have a busy day ahead of me. Well!?!?! There was no thought in my mind that this was going to go in the direction that it has. I think that I've mentioned previously that when the Holy Spirit guides and then pushes me in a direction, I listen and, this morning, I've given God the time that He required to get this post out.
Something which was laid on my heart to share this morning is to be kind to ourselves. No matter how we are feeling, we are to be kind to ourselves.
There are times in life when we really feel battered and broken from everything that we experience. In the past week or so, I've had rather a few nights when I've tossed and turned the whole night. I've been so exhausted that I've had to have a nap during the day. This is so not good for me as I tend to have awful nightmares if I sleep during the day but my body demands rest.
Perhaps you are struggling and today's chat is meant to help you.
God our Father loves us dearly and wants only the best for us, even and particularly, when we can see no way out.
Do you remember singing the Sunday School chorus about miracles that was so very uplifting? Here it is. It's such a sweet and easy song to remember. I tried to include an audio for you but it won't work. The chorus is available online if you want the tune.
Expect a miracle everydayExpect a miracle when you pray
If you expect it God will find a way
To perform a miracle for you each day
Here's another short snippet from this work in progress. It's not in the beginning of the book because I've devoted that for individual wins, which may be hourly, daily, weekly or more.
Life is a continual cycle of growth.
This, the here and now, is the life that has been given to us by God Our Father and, when we realise and embrace that fact, we will find that we have within us enormous power to develop the self we’ve always wanted.
- If we feel that we have lost our sense of meaning and value in our existence;
- If we feel (or have ever felt) that it does not matter how hard we try, we just cannot seem to keep our life going in the direction that we want it to go or to become the person that we want to be;
- If we feel that our life has become a constant battle to remain standing instead of continually falling flat;
- If we feel that we have allowed our life to become less than what we wanted or expected it to be;
Realigning our life is serious business, that's for certain. However, when the seriousness of life has knocked us down to a point where carrying on seems like too high a mountain to climb, we may not be willing to consider that our life itself is worth anything at all. There is and will be a time to be serious within ourself and, within the seriousness. If we can begin to embrace humour and lightness of being, that will be a big step towards helping us heal. Humour is a major ingredient of happiness and is an indicator that we are beginning our healing because it is rare for anyone to find humour while drowning in the depths of despair.
It's important that we be kind to ourselves but, within the kindness, we do need to embrace the responsibility of re-forming who we are.
There is an element of our dealing with our personal growth that brings the realm of the miraculous into reality. Don’t give up before the miracle happens – because happen it will!
Often, people who don't believe or feel that they are of any worth because they are different from those who are considered 'normal', can suffer agonies of self-doubt.
I have, eventually, learned that 'normal' is only a societal construct and has nothing to do with an individual's worth. In fact, I have never been accused of being 'normal' nor would I ever want to be. God made me as a wonderful and unique being. There is not one other person, among the billions who have been before or who will come after me that will be the same as me. You are blessed with exactly the same honour. That is a win to celebrate for sure.
In my life I will always flow
Against the current
Where dead fish do not go
Seeking aspects others do not see
Being the channel
Always just and true to me
I sense issues others may not see
In this life of mine
My worldview strengthens me
To be fiercely protective of me
As I swim boldly
To attain my chosen goals
In my life I will always flow
Against the current
Where dead fish do not go
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