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Friday, 31 January 2025


Following on from yesterday's post about the longest word in the English language, Afrikaans has a few of its own word combinations. Today, I begin to explore the Afrikaans language and how it fits into the international constructs of Germanic origin and add in a tidbit about word combinations and constructs.

The Dutch settled in The Cape of Good Hope, South Africa in 1652 when food gardens were established to provide passing ships with fresh food and water on their long journey around the Cape Point from Europe to Asia. My paternal ancestors were among these early settlers.

While the settlers started out speaking Hoër Nederlands, this evolved over time into a simplified form of Dutch which became known as Afrikaans. The Dutch viewed Afrikaans as a type of 'poor relative' due to the inclusion of influences from Malay, Portuguese, and indigenous African languages, and it was considered by European Dutch speakers as less prestigious or "corrupted". 

Afrikaans was formally recognised as a separate language on May 8, 1925 and with that recognition came a concerted effort to further develop literature, media, and an educational system. This is now well-established in South Africa.

Until as late as the 1960s and 1970s, people tended to construe Afrikaans as simply a language 'for South Africa', whereas 'English was for the world'. This belief has been largely dispelled with the extensive international travel in the past few decades. In the global academic and linguistic community, Afrikaans is now studied and respected as an independent language with unique linguistic features. Contrary to the original view of Afrikaans as inferior, the simplification of Dutch grammar is now largely considered to be a case study in language evolution.

From an international perspective, the Afrikaans language has Dutch as its stem language which is, interestingly, the same stem as the Flemish language, predominantly spoken in Flanders, Belgium. Even more interesting is that, considering that the languages developed separately on two different continents and that Flemish developed in close proximity to Holland, Afrikaans and Flemish are estimated to share approximately 70-80% lexical similarity. This means that a significant portion of their vocabulary is either identical or very closely related in form and meaning. 

During the times that I have visited Belgium, I have been consistently amazed to find that I understand Flemish almost faultlessly. This attests to the significant similarity between Afrikaans and Flemish. English is my home language but I am fully fluent in Afrikaans. I find Flemish to be a more gentle dialect and easy to understand, perhaps due to my English accent when I speak Afrikaans.

No poem today but a song and this is where we come to interesting word constructs in Afrikaans (and English) as further examples of the Germanic tradition of linking words to make one word. 

Cape Buffaloes, South Africa

Tweebuffelsmeteenskootmorsdoodgeskietfontein is a farm in the North West province of South Africa. 

Tweebuffelsmeteenskootmorsdoodgeskietfontein, with a letter count of 44, is the longest place name in South Africa (and indeed Africa), and the fourth longest place name anywhere in the world. The name, which follows a common format for Afrikaans-language place names in South Africa, is literally translated as 'Two buffaloes killed stone dead with one shot fountain'. The more general translation is  "The spring where two buffaloes were cleanly killed with a single shot”. 

The well-known South African singer and songwriter, Anton Goosen, wrote a song entitled “Tweebuffelsmeteenskootmorsdoodgeskietfontein”. This is on his album, Lappiesland ('Patchwork Country'). 

Here's the song which may sound really strange to those who don't understand Afrikaans but it certainly has a distinctly Afrikaans beat. 


It's not only Afrikaans which combines words in South Africa. The town of Hotazel, which was founded in the 1950s has also become part of South African folklore. Hotazel is a real place and the name is derived from a play on the words 'hot as hell'. The temperatures in Hotazel may not be as high as some places in the Kuruman area of South Africa but when they regularly reach nearly 40Celsius (104 Fahrenheit) who's arguing?

Have a wonderful weekend and I'll check in on Monday.

Thursday, 30 January 2025


How interesting. 

Today, I wanted to explore Geoffrey Chaucer's life and writings but got sidetracked and ended up wondering why English has become so generally used throughout the world. There has to be more to it than colonisation since many other countries have colonised other areas. I did a bit of digging into the history of English and tested a few of my theories. 

English is classified as a Germanic language. I have to admit that this surprised me when I learned of it years ago. From research, the etemology and classification are due to many linguistic factors inherited from its Proto-Germanic roots. Here are the primary features: (This next section is directly quoted from my research and is not my work).

"Grammar and Morphology:

Verb Conjugation: English verbs follow patterns that are recognizably Germanic, with distinctions between strong (e.g., "sing, sang, sung") and weak verbs (e.g., "walk, walked, walked"). Although simplified over time, this still reflects Germanic verb forms.

Nouns and Plurals: English typically forms plurals by adding -s or -es, a trait shared with other Germanic languages. Some irregular plurals like "feet" from "foot" also show Germanic influence.

Pronouns: The basic structure of personal pronouns in English (I, you, he, she, it, we, they) is Germanic in origin, with forms like "I" (from Old English "ic") and "we" (from "wē").


Consonant Shifts: English underwent the High German consonant shift to a lesser extent than German, but shares features like the shift of PIE *t to English "d" in words like "do" (cognate with Latin "facere").

Vowel Shifts: The Great Vowel Shift altered English vowel sounds significantly, but the structure of the vowel system's development from Old to Middle to Modern English is still fundamentally Germanic.


Core Vocabulary: Many of the most basic and frequently used words in English are of Germanic origin. Words like "house", "water", "man", "day", "go", and "be" are all from Old English, which was a Germanic language.

Word Formation: English uses Germanic methods of word formation, such as compounding (e.g., "toothbrush", "bookshelf") and using prefixes and suffixes (e.g., "un-", "re-", "-ful", "-ness").


Word Order: English's basic sentence structure (Subject-Verb-Object) is common among Germanic languages, although English has become more rigid in its word order compared to some other Germanic languages where word order can be more flexible due to case endings.

Auxiliary Verbs: The use of auxiliary verbs for tense and mood (e.g., "I have gone", "I will go") is a Germanic trait.

Historical Development:

Old English: The earliest form of English, known as Old English or Anglo-Saxon, was clearly a West Germanic language, related to Old Frisian, Old Saxon, Old Dutch, and Old High German.

Phonetic Changes:

Certain phonetic changes like Grimm's Law, which led to the transformation of Indo-European consonants into Germanic ones, are evident in English (e.g., Latin "pater" vs. English "father").

While English has absorbed a vast amount of vocabulary from Latin, French, and other languages, its core grammatical structure, much of its basic vocabulary, and its phonological evolution are undeniably Germanic. This is why, despite its extensive Romance influence, linguists classify English as part of the West Germanic branch of the Indo-European language family."

Back to my thoughts. 

Although English is fundamentally a Germanic language, over the centuries it has been significantly influenced by Latin as the primary Romantic language. Britain was first occupied by the Romans for about 400 years after Rome invaded Britain around 55 BC. There have been later invasions which have also left their Romantic mark on the language.

That had me wondering if English becoming more used as a language is because it crosses the boundaries between Germanic and Romantic languages quite easily and people who are used to either of the languages can relate to enough aspects in English to make it understandable. 

Due to its Germanic foundation in grammar, core vocabulary, and basic structure, it does tend to be rather more easily understandable to speakers of other Germanic languages like German, Dutch, Flemish, Afrikaans (in South Africa) and many of the Scandinavian languages.

The heavy influence from Latin and French means English also has a significant number of words derived from what are considered to be Romantic languages - French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, and Romanian. This influence allows people who speak Romantic languages to relate to English. What this means is that English is embraced by other-language speakers because it adapts more readily to new concepts and ideas than most other languages.

In the final analysis, and probably the main reason why English is dominating as a 'world language' is that English grammar is relatively simple compared with many other languages. It does not have the complex case systems, gender usages, and verb conjugations that are common in both Germanic and Romance languages, making it easier to learn for non-native speakers. It also has a relatively straightforward syntax as well as a capacity to absorb foreign language words which is not generally found in other languages. Eastern languages are vastly different from Western languages and it is the simplicity and flexibility of English which means that even Eastern languages do not find it particularly difficult to learn.

I have to wonder at the origin/s of the word for today's poem. 


I’m addicted to a word
Not just any word
A very special word
The longest Word 
By far 
I’m told
In an English dictionary


What on earth 
Is that?

Don’t be upset or despair
It’s not as hard as you think
You’ll understand in a wink and a blink
This I promise you!

Most call it Silicosis
A short little word
For a bad lung disease

That’s a shortened word
Like bus for Omnibus
Or pram for Perambulator

Let’s break it down
To make some sense
Shall we?

Pneumo is a common virus
Ultra means extreme
Microscopic is smaller than small

Don’t give up now
You’ve got this
You’re already halfway there

Silico is a common quartz
Volcano sends ash into the air 
Coniosis is a lung disease

Break it down like this
Coni-o-sis so it’s really easy to say
Does all that make sense?

The longest word in the dictionary
Means tiny crystals in the lungs
Now say it with me
It’s easy if you try

One word at a time


Wednesday, 29 January 2025


Good morning

Happy Wednesday and, in the spirit of living my non-linear life, today is 'back to The Daighacaer' day.

Before I do that though, I have to show you a little gift which I'm growing for each of my neighbours for when we finally leave for Portugal. The little pot can live on a windowsill and provide a fresh, citrus scent until the plants are big enough to plant into larger pots or into the garden. The plants still have a couple or so months to grow and I'm looking forward to watching their growth.

Teeny Tiny Lemon Trees


Chapter 3

 The calling of yldryf united the young men as few were ever united. Together they alone among their generation shared in both the delight and burden of being yldryf; that race which was charged with the holding and the sustaining of the Kingdom’s bloodline and the fundamental nature of yldryf through The Knowledge of Ages.

Eryen, Jivdreg, Malmor, and Lebrowen, with his wife Malyran, formed the new generation core of close-knit leadership of Raeldysce.

Eryen and his four closest friends all studied Chronology of the Ages at the same time.

In Lebrowen’s most important service to Raeldysce, he was the Captain of Security. In this capacity he spent many hours each day personally walking and surveying the Kingdom. He did this, not only out of duty, but also out of his very real love for Raeldysce Kingdom.

This day, Lebrowen felt a little stifled within the confines of the buildings and longed once again to witness his Prince’s ceremonial Greeting of The Lady Dawne.

He found a distant vantage point and stood quietly to one side in silent anticipation of the thrill of experiencing the sacred ceremony.

Lebrowen witnessed The Lady Dawne’s rejection of the sacred greeting. He watched in horror and dread as the black lightning attacked Eryen. He saw the storm begin and end as quickly as it had begun; and, within his dread, he understood the magnitude of the state of affairs. He realised that he was too far away to be of any assistance to Eryen during the attack so, after running to assist his sovereign and finding him gone, he did the only thing that he could think of. He quickly made his way to the Archaise, knowing that Eryen would certainly go there to find the answers he sought.

With a final glance, the friends both stood aside, emerald eyes meeting jade as one stepped through and one stayed on the outside to watch as the door sealed itself once more.

Lebrowen paced the wide marbled passageway, feeling that he should ask Malyran and Jivdreg to join him.

No sooner had the thought entered his head than his cherished wife moved into view and, as usual, he felt his heart skip a beat.

Even after twelve years of marriage, his pulse still raced when he saw or thought of Malyran.

She smiled as she turned her face up to him. He wondered again at the sight of her perfect lips, her large gentle almond-shaped hazel eyes and stunning elven features, framed by auburn hair, which flowed unfettered to her waist. To Lebrowen, Malyran was the epitome of beauty.

Lebrowen kissed his wife and smiled his welcome. “Malyran, My Love, I was just about to invite you to join me here” he said quietly.

Malyran moved gracefully into the circle of Lebrowen’s arms, which closed protectively around her.

As tall as she was, her head only just reached Lebrowen’s shoulders. She looked up at him and he knew that she fully fathomed the concern in his eyes, which, even if he were able to, he would not withhold from her.

“I know, my husband. I felt your need immediately I awoke and came to you without delay,” said Malyran as she gazed deeply into his eyes.

“Something terrible and disturbing has occurred, hasn’t it?” she asked. “What is it?”

Lebrowen walked with Malyran to the nearby divan so that they could try and make some sense out of the morning’s troubles.

Jivdreg felt a tug on his consciousness.

It was nothing substantial, just a vague impulse of sorts.

Something was amiss.

Jivdreg considered yielding to the impulse to find out what it was but then shrugged and relaxed casually back down on to the lush lawn under his favourite tree.

He had been thinking a lot about how dull his life was lately.

He felt smothered. His whole life seemed to be languishing in a state of muddled chaos. He still felt no particular inclination to specialise in anything specific, such as Eryen, Malmor and Lebrowen had done.

Although he was certainly clever, Jivdreg was indolent by nature.

He told anyone who asked that he was fundamentally lazy. “I never run when I can merely walk, nor do I ever sit if given the opportunity to lay my head down somewhere. Yes, I suppose that that qualifies me as fundamentally lazy,” he would laughed with them.

He just could not see the point of the exertion.

Jivdreg often considered that his own yldryf blood must be so vastly diluted by his dra’en heritage that it became an insubstantial abstraction and nothing more. Since early childhood he always believed that his mother’s heritage was dominant in him and he embraced the notion wholeheartedly.

As a dra’en, Jivdreg’s mother, Rinaedra, was always more concerned with the slow growth of her groves of trees, which counted each cycle of day and night as merely one heartbeat, than with what she perceived to be the undue hustle and bustle of life around her. Her life and the life she enjoyed sharing with Jivdreg was a slow and gentle one.

Yet even within the gentle nurturing of his mother, Jivdreg’s indolence was a family joke.

He smiled now, reminiscing about his childhood with happy contentment.

Rinaedra still loved to quietly spend her days walking among the vast groves, communing with the nature she loved so dearly. Jivdral often walked with her, with his mind turned both inwards and outwards at the same time, constantly drawing from his inherent yldryf knowledge and always adding to it the knowledge which he gleaned from his daily life.

Jivdreg’s upbringing was diverse to say the least yet, despite all the years of teaching that Jivdreg received, his father’s greatest joy was in instilling in his son the passion that he himself had for his yldryf heritage. Jivdreg soaked up the traditions shared by Jivdral like a sponge, but that was all that they were to him – traditions - customs from ages past.

Jivdral never expressed his regret to either Rinaedra or Jivdreg but he was disappointed that Jivdreg could not feel the passion of yldryf. Profoundly disappointed.

All the knowledge was, of course, imbedded in Jivdreg’s mind already but knowledge in and of itself neither was nor ever has been sufficient. It was the passion for yldryf which needed to be passed down to descendants from within their lineage from parent to child. It was that passion that Jivdreg did not seem to have and Jivdral often wondered if he had failed as a father in not passing his own very real yldryf passion on to his son,.

Knowledge, without passion, enthusiasm and a commitment to necessary continual growth, is always a dead thing. Many cultures and languages continue to die because of exactly that apathy.

“I suspect that if my yldryf inheritance depended solely on me, it would go the same way,” Jivdreg thought wryly.

The tug on Jivdreg’s mind intensified without warning and he sat up with a start.

“Something is definitely wrong,” he thought.

He felt the desperate need to run.

The sensation was so foreign to him that he laughed out loud at himself, but only for a moment.

He was instinctively obeying the yldryf call of aeons, although if anyone suggested it, he would have thought that they had lost their mind.

He picked up his shirt and quickly drew it over his head and, while still getting his arms into the sleeves and smoothing out the creases, he found himself running as fast as he could towards the Archaise.

Jivdreg was out of breath and his legs felt like jelly from his unnatural exertion when he rounded the corner and saw Lebrowen and Malyran just about to sit down.

Tuesday, 28 January 2025



As is wont to happen, all my weekend good intentions decided of their own accord that a far better use of time was to celebrate. I agreed and a wonderful time was enjoyed by all. 

This got me to thinking about life and the plans we make. I also considered the direction that the blog is currently taking me. If, indeed, there is any direction.

Life is not linear. Sometimes it takes one completely off the road into forests, fields, ravines and rivers. Some of the diversions are pleasant, yet others fill one with anxiety. Is it possible to embrace oddness amid the inexplicable? Is it possible to look into each day with a sense of wonder and joy, even if the day has not turned out to be what was expected?

A glimpse into how nature itself deals with the unexpected may give a clue on how to navigate each day. Last night when I went to bed, the wind was so strong that I was concerned that a storm was imminent. I prepared everything for heavy rain. We had not one drop. This morning, the wind has died down completely and the day is calm as the plants try to survive the intense heat. Some leaves are curled inwards to conserve moisture as others turn the face of their leaves and flowers away from the path of the sun.

As for me, I've decided that I will not stress about timings or changes unless they are fully within my control. Otherwise, God's got this and I'll go along for the ride.

Last night, I made the granadilla (passion fruit) sorbet that I had intended to make over the weekend. Just in time to quench thirst during this heatwave. It's beyond delicious. I'll never buy store-bought sorbet again. I'm going to be experimenting with other fruits as well to see which fit the recipe and where I have to make adjustments.

Granadilla sorbet

Here's a quick and easy recipe on how I made it. The trick to making good sorbet is to ensure that the fruit-water-sugar ratio is correct. The correct amount of sugar gives the wonderful sorbet texture and the process helps to make it light and fluffy.


2 cups strained fruit pulp 
2 cups sugar
1 3/4 cup water

Heat water and sugar together until the sugar is dissolved. 
Remove from heat and cool completely.
Add strained fruit pulp
Pour mixture into a large, shallowish baking pan
Place pan into the freezer 
After half an hour, use a table fork and mix the sorbet gently to remove crystals
Do this three or four times until the sorbet is fluffy
Scoop the almost solid sorbet into a container/containers with a lid/lids and place in the freezer
Freeze overnight
If the ratio is correct, the sorbet will be light and not too solidly frozen.

The poem to match my mood of embracing a non-linear life.


I stared down at the fabric of the road ahead of me
Hypnotised by the stitches binding the tarmac into one
Mile after mile my eyes were drawn along
The stitch upon stitch of the meandering line

My thoughts converged with my vision for a while
As before me ran that perfectly formed line
Converging at points and fading at times
The line upon line in an abstract form

I raised my eyes to the distant streaming ties
Blinked twice or thrice to clear my errant thoughts and mind
Back to the ever present road ahead of me
The black upon black of wheels on newly laid tar

Monday, 27 January 2025


Good morning

Exciting news. 

On the 21st of January, I set out some milestones that need to be achieved for the year. The first of which was selling our house so that we could start our emigration process.

Our house had been on the market for far too long and I was reaching a state of despair that we would ever get her sold. Several understandable factors influenced the non-sale but that hasn't made it easier to bear. Some of these are: 
  • South Africa's general election was in May
  • Although no one voted for it, three of the parties unilaterally decided that they would form a Government of National Unity. To understand how bizarre this concept is in the South African context, the two main parties have diametrically opposed viewpoints with voters who subscribe to either one being fiercely loyal to those viewpoints. All voters have now been thrown into the same pot and this has caused more division amongst the populace than ever before.
  • As a result of the ensuing turmoil, anyone who was considering buying a house, held off until they were a bit more sure of how the political climate would affect them personally.
  • June is the start of winter here. Not a good time for house viewings or sales.
  • With the approach of summer, there was a spate of violent crime in the area and agents held off on marketing.
  • To add to the mix, the house had already been on the market for a few months, which is never good for sales.
Miraculously, we then had two firm offers in quick succession. However, the first was unable to secure finance and the second looked to be heading the same way as they requested an extension to continue petitioning banks for a mortgage. This process has taken us to where we are now. 

On the 24th of January, on what would have been our mother's birthday, we were notified that the sale had gone through. What a birthday present from Heaven for us.

We can now concentrate on the next step in the journey to our new life in Portugal as well as ensuring that we are providing everything that Portugal needs for  immigration purpose:.
  • Getting all South African documentation finalised 
Of course, there's a poem to complete the picture. 

View from our new home in Portugal


Can we ever know
What our futures 
May hold?
And we with them
Each changing pattern
Its own 
Within and of
The knowledge of ages 
An intrinsic 
Pliant interchange
As time 
Moves forward
As times 
Spin around
As we each 
Meld ourselves
The filigree 
Each pattern changes

Friday, 24 January 2025


It's Friday and, for some, that means a weekend of relaxation while others will be busy, busy, busy. This weekend, I'll happily fall into the latter category.

A few years ago, I started gardening organically to grow as much of our own food as possible; not only  for our health but also because homegrown, organic food simply tastes better. 

My granadilla (passion fruit) vine is overflowing with fruit so I'm going to make a quick sorbet to get us through the forecast rather hot week ahead. Homemade sorbet is amazing. This was something which I avoided making for years until I found a recipe which is so easy, with each batch being mouth-wateringly delicious. So far, I've made lemon, granadilla and mint sorbet - all from what I have growing in the garden.

This week, I harvested the peaches from my little tree. Even though I covered each fruit with an organza bag, some bugs did manage to get to the fruit so they are not for easy eating. I'll have to find other ways to keep the bugs away from the fruit. The bags did keep the birds off them though, so there is that.

My mission for this weekend is to cut up the fruit for baking into cobblers and fruit squares (I'm not a good baker so this will be interesting). Of course, I'll make a peach sorbet as well. I can't wait to taste that one.   


My British friends may appreciate this.

When my sister and brother-in-law lived in Glentham in the east Midlands region of the UK, before moving to France, I spent a few months with them and loved my time there. 

I think I have a rather warped sense of humour too. 

A village near theirs was called Spital in The Street. Well, that started me on a quest to find other funny town names. There are many more than I have included here, some of which are very rude. A quick online search will take you to these treasures. Glentham is included as a hat tip to the wonderful folk of that village and their hospitality.

To get your best enjoyment from the poem, read it aloud. You may have to scratch your head on a few of the names, as 'If you see Normanby sure...' will become 'If you see Norman, be sure...".


I looked for Bishop Norton
Even went into the church
Bishop Norton was not at Holme
So I continued my search

Dudley said in Brandy Wharf
May be where he Caenby found
Go past the Spital in the Street
Just keep your Hemswell off the ground

Kelsey said “Ask at Glentham store
Or seek old Barton in the Beans
But do beware if he’s in Great Snoring
Because you’ll be promptly Laughton your way

"If you should see Normanby sure to give my best
You’ll know him by his Aubourn hair
Or Grantham-fisted as he is, he is no Crooke
He measures his Cowes by Eye and Roughton"

As I climbed a Sandy Bank each day
I suffered some as my Legsby sore
But the friendly waves and good advice
Were enough to give this Swinhope

On I went on my great quest
To find the good old Bishop
Traipsing from Licky End to Hound
Wishing I had a Weston-super-Mare

I never did find Bishop Norton
And took many a Taunton my Nose’s Point
I’m Hitchin my wagon to a wandering star
To take me Frome here to my Gravesend

Thursday, 23 January 2025


Good morning

Yesterday's post on a new day dawning, was a little teaser for today's extract from The Daighacaer Book I, The Dawne. 

What I've tried to do throughout the book is to keep each chapter as a self-contained and stand-alone mini story. There have been many times when I simply haven't had the time to read a book in one sitting and I always appreciate quick readings which have defined end-breaks. 


Chapter 2

 Eryen stared in amazement at the tempest which began raging as soon as he lifted his arms.

The sudden onset and the intensity of the tempest would have surprised him at any time but, for it to occur during the morning devotions, was as unexpected as it was unprecedented.

He could not believe what was happening. He should have been standing within an area which radiated tranquil normality. Instead, he was staring out in trepidation at a raging tempest being played out all around him.

Rumbling thunder and urgent streaks of lightning vied with rain and hail to see which could inflict the most damage in the shortest possible time.

Once tall and proud trees were being broken like twigs and, bursting into flame, shot acrid sparks into the air in all directions. Yet other trees lay bent almost horizontal by the force of lurching winds which appeared intent on breaking their backs. Debris swirled around in dank and churning eddies, tossed and whipped in every direction in agitated frenzy.

As he stared in disbelief, Eryen noticed the slightest flicker of movement out of the corner of his eye and instinctively shrank away from it towards the nearest pillar. As he did so, a shard of pulsating black lightning fireball narrowly missed searing his left arm. It ricocheted off the pillar next to which he stood and, with noticeable intent, turned purposefully towards him again.

Eryen’s eyes darted to his right, following the movement of the lightning which was bearing down on him again.

“That is simply not possible,” he thought incredulously. “Lightning is not black and it definitely does not move in slow motion.”

Eryen stood absolutely still to see if this strange form of lightning was simply attracted to his movement.

It was not.

He caught his breath as the black lightning once again seared his clothes and this time burned his skin, missing a direct hit to his chest by a hair’s breadth. If he had not instinctively turned away, that lightning would have struck his chest directly over his heart. The sulphurous odour hung possessively to his charred shirt.

Eryen waited for the pain which, oddly, did not manifest.

He shook his head and, as he did so, he felt as if his head and eyes were out of sync with each other.

That he had been hit by the lightning was evident.

He wondered if what he was experiencing was the normal reaction to such an attack.

“I must not, cannot, let the lightning take control. That is what it is trying to do, I am sure of it, but why and, more importantly, how?”

Strangely, the lightning slowed and hesitated as if to analyse the situation in which it found itself.

Eryen intuitively noticed the lightning’s hesitation and, in turn, as he was about to return to the sanctuary of indoors, he too hesitated.

“No. It is simply my imagination running rampant,” he chided himself. “Black lightning attacking? Lightning hesitating? I do believe that I am losing my mind.”

However, as he gazed at the lightning, impossibly suspended in mid-air, his eyes were instinctively drawn to a point in the centre of the intense frenzy.

“Well! That’s that! It appears that I was not mistaken at all. Some small comfort that I’m not going mad,” he mused, wryly.

Eryen was staring straight into the very depths of two of the darkest eyes he had ever seen.

The eyes were staring right back at him with an intense hatred, thrust directly into his core.

As if to acknowledge that it recognised Eryen; that it knew that its attack had found a mark and, as impossible as it seemed, that it was intent on asserting its supremacy, the lightning ricocheted away and once more purposefully turned to face Eryen. This time in full combat mode.

“That lightning is definitely attacking me!” Eryen murmured to himself. “It’s clearly not simply lightning. It’s something quite sinister and it definitely has malevolent intent.”

Eryen felt his heart begin to race and he realised, with no shadow of doubt, that he was the target in a battle for his life. He quickly scanned the area around him for a shield or weapon. There was none. He was also hoping against hope that someone was out at this early hour but knew that that was a vain hope and, at the same time a blessing.

“Even if someone is out this early, it will be better by far if they stay away from this disaster,” he thought. “There’s no sense in anyone else being hurt or, The Lighte forbid, being killed by this monstrosity.”

He was on his own against an agent of The Darke.

Questions with no answers, raced through his mind.

“Alright. Those eyes are real and not a figment of my imagination. I wish that it weren’t so. Black lightning can only mean that this is an attack by The Darke. Is this an attack on me personally or on Raeldysce itself? If me, why? If Raeldysce, how? Why attack now? What can this possibly mean?”

Eryen kept an intense watch on the eyes, which appeared to be darting looks in all directions but never quite losing sight of Eryen.

As Eryen watched, he held his breath. He waited expectantly for the lightning to attempt to strike him again.

In quick succession, three or four more flurries of black lightning smashed into the balustrades and pillars, whilst the eyes never for an instant took their focus off Eryen.

Eryen, in turn, ducked and dove at each attack. He held the gaze of the eyes, determined to not allow The Darke any dominion over him.

He involuntarily shuddered in relief when he saw the lightning suddenly veer around and streak away; a black slash slicing through a still-darkened sky. His ears revolted as a piercing wail echoed and reverberated its shriek of frustration.

As the lightning disappeared, the accompanying storm died down as suddenly as it began.

“My Lady Dawne, what is the reason for this attack now as I was about to dedicate our new day to you?” asked Eryen when he had calmed himself.

“There must be some purpose for the attack on me.”

He was as certain of the attack being by The Darke, as he was of those eyes, although his mind revolted at the thought of The Darke being able to invade Raeldysce. “That too, surely verges on the impossible,” he thought.

Eryen was used to being out in the elements and even revelled in the primal power he felt as he braved them.

Ordinarily, he would have thought nothing of a lightning strike so close to him but there was nothing ordinary about the attack of this morning.

Ordinarily, no inclement weather intruded on The Lady Dawne’s special time of ascension.

Ordinarily, The Lady Dawne would have lifted her head at his greeting.

 “Ordinarily, lightning doesn’t hang in mid-air. Ordinarily, it doesn’t take aim and target someone and then turn to attack them again” he reasoned.

 “Ordinarily, lightning doesn’t leave and return into the sky.”


Despondent, Eryen turned to face what should have been The Lady Dawne’s welcoming glow.

The whole sky remained as dark and bleak as it was before the storm attack.

Eryen sat in the deafening silence for long minutes.

Finally, he spoke words which would never previously have even entered his consciousness as being necessary. All residents of Raeldysce lived their love and allegiance for The Lighte and its two emissaries, the Lady Dawne and her twin the Lord Dayl.

 “My Lady Dawne, my heart breaks within me. What has Raeldysce done that has caused you to turn your radiant face away from us? If you would but tell me whatever needs to be done, I will ensure that whoever in Raeldysce needs to do it, will do it. If it is me, instruct me and it will be done. If someone else, direct me and I will work with them to do your bidding.”

Somehow Eryen knew that no answer would be forthcoming but he needed to articulate his concerns. His abject despair was eating away at him.

Although Eryen’s first reaction was of distress and anguish, the more he thought of it, the more he felt the urgent need to understand the reasoning behind The Lady Dawne’s rejection, the sudden tempest, and the attack by the lightning.

He sought for answers in The Knowledge of Ages.


His yldryf nature wrenched at him, urged him to move indoors, urged him to make haste or, it seemed to urge, “you will, through your inaction, allow your heritage to die.”

 “What does that mean? ‘Allow my heritage to die’?” he thought. “Nothing makes sense.”

What he did know was that it was vital that he follow the force within his blood which was driving his innermost core to obey commands he did not understand.

Eryen turned hurriedly from his balcony which overlooked the city with all its glowing turrets. His eyes moved to view the undulating wild fields of all manner of wheats, barley and other grasses and the horizon over which The Lady Dawne majestically rose each day. Each day that was, until today, when she turned her face from him. He walked purposefully and quickly towards his palace to check in on Ryallor, his young son and to find Jeala. Jeala was Ryallor’s nursemaid when he was a baby and was now his constant chaperone. She was also much more than that. She was a favoured confidant of Eryen’s and held the prestigious position among the Kingdom’s healers of Intuerum Param for Raeldysce.

“I was attacked by black lightning during my morning devotions, Jeala,” he said when they were seated in an anteroom next to Ryallor’s bedroom.

“Black lightning?” asked Jeala, with uneasiness clouding her eyes. “Eryen, are you sure?”

Eryen looked into Jeala’s eyes and lifted his shirt.

He did not need to say anything.

The fist-sized doubled-eyed burn on his chest appeared as if it were still smouldering.

Jeala sharply drew in her breath and said in her usual efficient manner. “Well. That needs attention!”

She reached into the cupboard behind her, drew out three different coloured vials and mixed some of each to make a poultice. Each of the vials did not smell bad on their own but together they were almost unbearably pungent. Eryen’s face was a picture. The odour was awful.

“This smells disgusting,” said Eryen, wrinkling his nose.

“I know,” smiled Jeala. “It is, but it’s the only thing that’s going to work to get rid of that burn.”

She gently smeared the salve on the burn.

“We’re going to have to remove whatever toxins are in that burn or it’s going to leave a nasty scar, Eryen. If, as I suspect, The Darke was attacking you personally, it would have laced the lightning with contaminants to enter your body and destroy you from the inside. It shall not prevail over you. Not if I have anything to do with it.”

“Thank you, Jeala. I knew that you would immediately know what to do.”

“I do. Rest here a while. The poultice will need some time to draw out those contaminants. It’s also going to hurt, Eryen. A lot.”

“I have to get to the Archaise, Jeala,” said Eryen. “Yldryf has already put on my heart that should I not find answers to this, our heritage will die. I have to go.”

“Not until I get that contaminant out of you, Eryen. What are you thinking? Besides taking a known contaminant into the Archaise, there will also be the five levels of cleansing in the Archaise? How will you cope with that? Your body is already overly sensitive to the aroma, or odour if you prefer, of the poultice. No. I know how impulsive you are at times. This cannot be one of those. Be still for a while.”

Jeala reached into the cupboard again for a glass and a vial.

She poured a few drops of dusty pink liquid, which smelled slightly of mint and cloves, into the glass and added a dash of water.

“This will absorb some of the pain. Not all of it, unfortunately, but you should be able to cope. I’ll not leave you until we know that your body has been cleansed. You’re lucky that the lightning only grazed you, Eryen. That strike was meant as a kill-bolt for your heart.”

“Thank you, Jeala. I knew that you would know what to do and, yes, I suspected as much,” said Eryen as the poultice and the painkiller began to work.

The throbbing of the burn burst into a flare of pain every now and then but subsided to a bearable ache as the painkiller washed over him.

Jeala kept refreshing the poultice.

Each time she did, the flares of pain lessened until, after what seemed like forever but was less than an hour, Eryen knew that his body was released from the toxins. He looked down at his chest. Where previously two eye-shaped burns had stared up at him, there was now only a slightly discoloured blemish.

“That too will fade with time,” said Jeala. “You should rest until you feel that you are strong enough. You’re going to need all your strength because you know and, as I do now as well, that you will need to go to the Archaise.”

Eryen nodded. He was not surprised that Jeala had instinctively brought him back to the direction that his research should take. She was good like that.

“I do and I will definitely rest awhile. Please will you keep this to yourself if you can, Jeala?” said Eryen, pointing to the still reddish burn. “I don’t want to alarm people more than necessary. If anyone saw what happened earlier, they will already be worried. They don’t need to know about the burn. Something very strange is going on and I’ll need to get to the bottom of it urgently. I don’t like this one bit.”

“Of course I’ll not mention it. Now, you need to rest. It will be better if you rest here. No one will disturb you.”

Eryen slept.

Every now and then he sensed Jeala in the room and he knew that she was checking that he was still alright. He would have to thank her again after he had been to the Archaise and found out all that he could about being attacked by black lightning.

He awoke refreshed, thanked Jeala and turned his steps towards the Archaise which contained the Kingdom’s chronological and mythical texts. He would need to go into the texts which he remembered reading when he was still a student.

As with the interpretation of all things arcane, Eryen intuitively knew that the initial point of study of what he wanted to understand would need his thorough examination of the obscure and cryptic mystic literature within the antiquities.

In Raeldysce, these precious archaic texts were housed in an especially designed and carefully grown enclosure. The chambers within the stronghold were kept at a constant temperature by means of a sophisticated network of specifically-grown atmospheric regulators.

In order to ensure that the atmosphere was never corrupted and that the scripts, scrolls and manuscripts never suffered from disease, the only means of entry into the strongholds was through labyrinths of portals and cleansing stations, each designed to slough off layers of regular day-to-day contamination or pollution. It was an arduous procedure and one that deterred all but the most zealous and truly committed academics.

Lebrowen, who was standing in the corridor outside The Archaise, acknowledged Eryen with a warm smile even while his brow was creased in a worried frown.

The two shook hands.

“Hello, Eryen, I saw what happened earlier and knew that you would be on your way here. I was too far away to help. I started running to you as soon as I realised that you were being attacked but, by the time I reached where you’d been standing and caught my breath, everything was calm and you’d gone.”

Lebrowen’s face was a study. He too, was very aware that there was something seriously amiss in a rejection of the prince by The Lady Dawne. He too knew from The Knowledge of Ages and through his study of the deities that The Lady Dawne had never, throughout all of Time and Times, repulsed the greeting of a sovereign of Faeré.

“Thank you, Leb. I’m grateful that you were too late. It’s bad enough that I was being attacked. Malyran would never have forgiven me if you were hurt or worse.”

Lebrowen understood Eryen’s need to make light of the experience.

“Hey! Don’t let Maly hear you say that. Whew! That would earn you the sharp end of her tongue, for sure.” Lebrowen beamed, even if the smile did not quite reach his eyes. He loved Eryen dearly and he knew that his wife did as well.

The friends hugged each other and Lebrowen walked to the left side of the Library door as Eryen nodded and moved to the right. There was no need for formal communication. The compulsion of yldryf called them both and they instinctively hastened to obey the primal petition of their lineage.

The locking mechanism of the Archaise required that two people of authority simultaneously key in the required ciphers, the more senior member using the system on the right hand side of the door. To prevent detection by any possible intruder, the ciphers were allocated at irregular points in time to those who were assigned access rights. The ciphers warped randomly within the correlation until the dynamic internal safety system satisfied itself as to the identities of both participants.

“Thank you, Leb,” said Eryen as he passed through the now unsealed entrance chamber into the principal portal. “Will you please take care that all activities on my schedule for today are fulfilled?”

“Of course, Eryen. I have already started doing that,” nodded Lebrowen.

“Thank you. I know that I needn’t have asked. You are the best of friends, Leb. I fear that my research may take quite a while,” continued Eryen. “Please will you also see to it that I’m not disturbed by anyone?”

“I also anticipated that (you could call me second-sighted), and have already removed those who were here,” said Lebrowen with a smile.

“Ahh, Thanks again, my most perceptive friend. If you or anyone has any ideas of where to find something which may be relevant to the problem we encountered this morning, we’ll go over them when I’ve finished what I have to do.”

Lebrowen’s frown intensified as he nodded again.

“Also, Leb, if you see Malmor or Jivdreg, it may be a good idea to let them know what has happened. Tell them that I’m working on it and am doing some investigating in the Archaise.”

“I’ll do that, Eryen, with pleasure. My heart and soul wish you success in your pursuit.”

 “Thanks, Leb, you are indeed the very best of friends and partners,” repeated Eryen.

Lebrowen’s concern for his heir prince and his friend was patent on his young, as yet unlined, face and also in his jade-coloured eyes.

During their years of formal study, he and Eryen entered The Academe at the same time and the two very quickly became firm friends.

Lebrowen was half yldryf, as was Jivdreg, another of Eryen’s close friends.

Time and Times were changing.

Wednesday, 22 January 2025


Good morning

Of all things in life which have been lost or eroded in the fast-paced, throw away lives, that we live today, the saddest has to be our inner-selves.

“Make your life a work of art in progress”
Wayne Dyer
Life is a continual cycle of growth. From the moment of conception until our transition into our immortal soul-selves, we grow. God designed us that way. Even 
when we sleep or when our minds 'space out'; even when we believe that we are doing nothing, the myriad integral and interconnected components of who and what we are, continue to grow or die in a perennial pendulum of life.

This, the here and now, is our life; and when we understand and embrace that fact, we will find that we have within us enormous power to develop the self we’ve always wanted. Each one of us is God's most beautiful masterpiece for our life, His passion creation, His love. God loves each one of us as if we are His only love. This is only possible because God Is Love! 

Our individual God-image, moulded by Him in His Love, draws us forward to live our best lives according to His purpose

New Day Dawning

The fresh new-day scent greeted us first
Followed almost immediately by the sound of rain
We looked out of the window and were amazed

A picture, painted by an amateur it seemed

The trees and houses were in perfect harmony
But alas, the rain – great big blobs of silver
Streaking down in angular disaccord
Forcing their way into so very many lives

To complete the blend, the sun still shone
In glorious rays of golden hues
With not a cloud to be seen in the sky

The art of it was so strangely beautiful!

An uncanny feeling of well-being washed over me
Not for the first time, I wondered at nature
How one tiny drop in time can alter a mood
Can change one's life for a minute, an hour, a day

After the rain, the rainbow
Source: Lyndsay McDee