Head down and concentrating...
A fellow blogger who, if he wishes, will identify himself, is very kindly reading through 'Escape from Mount Vilipend' and giving me his feedback. This, in turn, has given me the impetus I need to get the story finished.
What it does mean though, is that I'm going to cut back severely on my blogging time so that I can keep my thoughts focused on epic battles and more in the Realm of Myths and Faeré.
Please bear with me and wish me luck. I promise that, after I'm done, I'll be back in full force...
Friday, 7 June 2013
Wednesday, 5 June 2013
A very Proud Mother
I'm so very proud of my sons.
Apart from the usual things which make a mother proud, my boys have teamed up with a couple of other musicians and their band has finally found a name: "Two Steps Left".
Last week they put up a couple of their songs on Reverbnation (you can listen to them by clicking on this link) and, in their genre, Indie, they're already ranked Number 1 in Johannesburg and about 580 internationally. Their sound is quite different and, although the recordings they've done are only 'garage' recordings, their sound is still very fine indeed.
Ahh, this so does my heart good...
The only picture I have at the moment is of Ross, singing his heart out. When I have pictures of the others, I'll share them.
Apart from the usual things which make a mother proud, my boys have teamed up with a couple of other musicians and their band has finally found a name: "Two Steps Left".
Last week they put up a couple of their songs on Reverbnation (you can listen to them by clicking on this link) and, in their genre, Indie, they're already ranked Number 1 in Johannesburg and about 580 internationally. Their sound is quite different and, although the recordings they've done are only 'garage' recordings, their sound is still very fine indeed.
Ahh, this so does my heart good...
The only picture I have at the moment is of Ross, singing his heart out. When I have pictures of the others, I'll share them.
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Ross, Lead Singer of Two Steps Left |
Monday, 3 June 2013
Faith Reflection Day
Life happened yesterday so the continuation of Joseph's story-poem falls to today. In fact, as I have so much going on in my life at the moment, I'm putting up the entire story. I'll use my Sundays for other Faith Reflections and other ways to give thanks to The Lord for all that he has done and continues to do in my life.
The days were short
when I was young
And the nights so
very long
I suppose every
child feels that way
Not wanting to
sleep, waiting for day
I knew each evening
with my very first yawn
That there was an
awfully long wait until dawn
My father, Jacob,
had many children indeed
Twelve sons as well
as some daughters to feed
We travelled the
desert as many did before
With goats and
sheep, pots and pans galore
Ever aware and
listening out for our God's command
Waiting for Him to
reach out His Holy Hand
I knew I was
special and as I grew older
My boasts became
louder, my actions bolder
My father loved me
dearly, set me apart
And I traded on
that love from the start
Today I'm not proud
of the taunts I threw
And I understand my
brothers' point of view
It was the cloak
which upset them the most
"How many
colours, what style" I'd boast
Then I started on
those fateful dreams
They as the stars,
bowing to me it seems
I knew it was a
vision from The Holy One
And I know now that
what was, had to be done
Yet what shock and
torment on that fateful trip
When they grabbed
my cloak and made me strip
I felt sure then
that my dreams were wrong
That I'd
misunderstood God's words all along
How could so
precious a child; so loved; so good
Be killed for
'pranks' like a common 'hood'?
No thought in my
head at the time for prayer
When I felt that
knife move clean through my hair
My energy was
turned purely to me, my life
Could I stand the
pain? Anguish was rife
Then - the pleasure
of a short respite
When the quarrel
began - 'Killing's not right!'
My relief was
short-lived as I was to see
A goat was caught
and tied to a tree
Then it was
slaughtered and wrapped in my cloak
The sight and the
thought made me cry and choke
My suffering turned
then to my father with fear
The pain and hurt
would be more than he could bear
My emotions felt
like a strip of rawhide
At once being
stretched, pulled and plied
The moment things
seemed to be under control
Hope would be
dashed - a knife splicing my soul
I couldn't
understand The Lord's mighty plan
My life appeared to
be finished before it began
Their eventual
decision was finally made
While I sat in the
pit awaiting that fateful blade
A caravan of
traders asked for water from the well
Then saw me and
asked Reuben for how much I'd sell
The solution struck
my brothers with blinding light
I was sold into
slavery, went meekly without a fight
The glory and
beauty of my first position
Kept me feeling
that I liked the boy's last decision
My days as a
shepherd came abruptly to a halt
I worked well for
Potiphor, even cleaned his vault
Because I had
always been very eager, fit and willing
I found the work
exciting, stimulating, compelling
I didn't know much
then about women and men
Couldn't understand
Potiphor's wife's strange yet
She wouldn't leave
me alone, asked odd-seeming things
One day she called
me to her room to find her rings
As I stooped to
search for the rings on the floor
She screamed, tore
her clothes, rushed out of the door
I struggled within
myself for long time afterwards
To understand the
meaning behind her foul words
Even now knowing
why I was sent to prison
Even knowing and
comprehending the reason
Is hard. I was so young, so completely innocent
How could Potiphor
even think I would be indecent?
With hindsight,
that oh-so wonderful ability
To see everything
in perspective, so very clearly
I know Potiphor's
rage was for his wife
And my sentence
imposed to prevent household strife
Yet I cried for
days in that dark, dingy cell
Trying to
understand and not doing too well
I can say quite
honestly, I grew up in the 'clink'
Believe me, it's
really much harder than you'd think
But resilience has
always been my middle name
Especially when
fighting back is much more than a game
God's ways are not
man's ways in anything He does
He used me when I
was down with nothing more to lose
There were two
inmates whom I'd met and befriended
A butler we called
Abel, a baker known as Ed
They had both for
some reason incurred the King's anger
Were also both
aware of their imminent danger
We were all
swapping reasons for why we were there
What we had done
and what our chances were
Abel revealed his
concern about a dream he had had
Shuddering at the
worst parts as if he were mad
As he finished his
story I knew what would be
He'd be out of gaol in not one day but three
Even though his
sire was full of wrath
He'd get no more
than a strict telling-off
Before Ed even
started, a throbbing pain struck my head
And I closed my
eyes momentarily and sat on the bed
His demeanour was arrogant, quite
out of character
Probably spurred on
by his friend's answered prayer
I wondered at the
change until he told his tale
Which started off
stormy and ended on a wail
How could I tell
him? But I knew I must
What I saw was
bleached bones lying in the dust
Of course he
scoffed, asked who I thought I was
Dreaming up horrors
and making his ears buzz
Could I not have
also given some glimmer of hope
Why did I have to
upset him? He started to mope
As you've read in
your Bible it is no folklore
The interpretations
God gave me were absolutely sure
When the guards
came to release him, he gave a shout
Abel promised he'd
do what he could to get me out
After a time I
thought God didn't love me anymore
As had happened in
my life so many times before
When rumours of
nightmares, dreamt by the king
Reached my ears, I
wanted to shout out and sing
At last I'd be out
of this dark dingy hole
What a relief to
the spirit, food for my soul
Yet still I waited,
waited and waited some more
My enthusiasm died
as I stared at the door
How many times do
we try to push forward God's aim?
How many times I
was guilty of preempting his plan
And here I was
doing my own thing yet again
And blaming Him for
my suffering and pain
What an arrogant
young upstart I'd become
With more nerve
than a Roman and then some
When the call
finally came for my interpretation
I was filled with
awe and not a little hesitation
But never being one
to tremble in my boots
I stood straight
and proud though chained hand and foot
As I listened
intently to what the king had dreamt
Aware of his
advisers' hatred, I yet stood unbent
The seven-year
interpretation you all know so well
Showed once again
how God had used me in my cell
Because as each new
revelation came sprouting forth
God spoke directly
of His compassion and wrath
The 'good years'
came first which to me was testimony
That however harsh
His judgment, He yet showed empathy
I suppose you could
call me a 'man for his time'
Certainly one could
never envisage my miraculous climb
Still I worked like
a trooper - I worked like a dog
Getting all the
mills ready - cog upon cog
As new storehouses
grew throughout Egypt each year
The common folk
scoffed - said 'we've nothing to fear'
Needless to say,
God's Word is always true
After the first two
years of drought, the panic grew
At first only near
neighbours, then those from far away
Poured into Egypt
day after day seeking wheat and hay
When Jacob's sons
arrived one day to plead for food
I remembered stars
and moon bowed down and it felt good
Oh My God has a
wonderful sense of the ridiculous
Not one recognised
me - they thought me out of their class
I even gave them
clue after meaningful clue
But even so there
was not one of my brothers who knew
How I chuckled when
I kept Benjamin and said
'Throw away the
key' until Reuben cried 'Take me, I'm dead!'
When I asked him
what he meant by his strange remark
His eyes filled
with tears and his face became stark
'My father Jacob,
my liege, is an old, old man
Who has already
lost his most beloved son
Now Benjamin
soothes his aching, broken heart
And he will die if Benjamin
is thus set apart
How could any man,
let alone a son, a brother
Not respond to that
cry. Oh, how I loved my father
I have to tell you
though, after my family arrived
I rubbed their
noses in it, made them eat every word
Made them very
aware of their subjugated position
Then laughed with
them and we started on God's Mission
How I love my God,
who know and understands all
How I marvel at the
way He engineers a rise then a fall
Working His
miracles to suit His Holy purpose
Healing, supplying,
listening - there's nothing He'll miss
Take me as an
example - I was an arrogant brat
And just look at
what Our Lord made out of that!
Sunday, 2 June 2013
Escape From Mount Vilipend - Chapter One
Good Sunday Morning
Before I get on to my Faith Reflection Sunday which I'll post a little later, I decided to post the complete first chapter of 'Escape From Mount Vilipend' and ask for some help if you have the time to read it over the next while.
'Escape From Mount Vilipend' is the first book in an epic series called The Daighacaer (Day-gar-care). It is essentially a battle between The Darke which is determined to destroy The Lighte in Faeré; and The Lighte which will do anything it can to prevent the evanescence of Faeré which will be the outcome, should The Darke prevail.
Would this chapter entice you to read further? Do you have any suggestions on making it more exciting or appealing? Do you have any other comments?
I have a thick skin but please be constructive.
It's written in United Kingdom English, so some spelling (and possibly even grammar) will be quite foreign if you are from the US. Also, I'm including a Pronunciation and Description section at the end of each book. I may write an explanatory book at the end of the series which will provide more insight into why I chose the names, as well as where I got my inspiration for the many strange creatures and bizarre occurrences.
[The Introductory poem to the book]
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June Autumn Colours in Johannesburg |
'Escape From Mount Vilipend' is the first book in an epic series called The Daighacaer (Day-gar-care). It is essentially a battle between The Darke which is determined to destroy The Lighte in Faeré; and The Lighte which will do anything it can to prevent the evanescence of Faeré which will be the outcome, should The Darke prevail.
Would this chapter entice you to read further? Do you have any suggestions on making it more exciting or appealing? Do you have any other comments?
I have a thick skin but please be constructive.
It's written in United Kingdom English, so some spelling (and possibly even grammar) will be quite foreign if you are from the US. Also, I'm including a Pronunciation and Description section at the end of each book. I may write an explanatory book at the end of the series which will provide more insight into why I chose the names, as well as where I got my inspiration for the many strange creatures and bizarre occurrences.
[The Introductory poem to the book]
Escape from Mount Vilipend
Book One of The
In the Realm of Myths
and Faeré
Live their lives
In the Realm of Myths
and Faeré
Our very dreams
Come true
In the Realm of Myths
and Faeré
Because Times are
Time survives
In the Realm of Myths
and Faeré
Knowledge of Ages
In the Realm of Myths
and Faeré
Lighte dwells in truth
As Darke deceives
In the Realm of Myths
and Faeré
I live my life
With you
[Chapter One]
Spawn of The Darke
The word spread
As each was attacked
Countless hurt
Many more dead
Shocked horror
On dragged feet
Turned from their homes
Into the street
Among that mass
Depravity stalked
In a forfeit soul
Filled with hate
Deranged venomous
Darke-spewed hate
Craving demanding
Innocent blood
An unholy sacrifice
To profane intent
Sombre faces
Sat and stared
As yet more
Blank dead
One debased visage
Masked The Darke
That day
One vacant void
Hid his
Damned core
One spewed from The Darke
At his Master’s bid
One semi-mortal glaze
The grimace of death
One soulless
“Spectre! I will
see you! Now!” roared The Darkenighte.
The Darkenighte, who was
not known for patience, paced up and down his chamber for a few moments waiting
for the Spectre to appear before him. When it became obvious that there
was to be no response, the command was repeated and its roar took on a life of
its own. It slithered and echoed around the chambers of Vilipend until,
eventually, the slight figure of a Spectre glided slowly, too slowly, to the
intense frustration of The Darkenighte, into The Darkenighte’s chamber.
“Where have you
been? You are late!” snarled Caliginor, The Darkenighte. “You know
what happens to those who presume to ignore me.”
The Spectre simply
continued to stare at Caliginor.
“You will learn to
regret your disrespect, Spectre. Many before you have died; many more
after you will do so too, because I will find a way to dispose of you Spectre,
of that you can be sure!”
Still the Spectre said
not a word as he waited for The Darkenighte to finish his tirade.
“Look long and deep into
this visage, Spectre. Do you have the courage to tell me that it looks like
it belongs to someone who would care, for one instant in time, whether anyone
or anything, including you, lives or dies?” barked The Darkenighte.
There was a momentary
break. Then, in a roar which surpassed even the previous intensity of the
furious tirade, the boom emitted by one simple word flew through the chambers
and out into the corridors as if it was itself trying to flee the horror of its
The discordant bellow of
The Darkenighte’s rage resounded and reverberated throughout Mount
Vilipend. It continued for such an interminable period that, even in the
deepest recesses of the Under Chambers, prisoners and grolls alike shivered and
cowered in a vain attempt to protect themselves from they knew not what, only
The Darkenighte shook in
his rage at the apparent disinterest of the unwelcome individual in his
In a fury, Caliginor
spun around until the Spectre was standing in front of him and was forced to
face him. The Spectre continued to nonchalantly look out into the
perpetual dark which enveloped Mount Vilipend.
The Spectre, still in
slow-motion, looked up into what The Darkenighte euphemistically had called a
visage. His expression remained non-committal as he slowly examined the
features of The Darkenighte as he had been ordered to do.
Caliginor’s black eyes
burned red in their cadaverous sockets. His emaciated skin looked as if
it had died life-ages previously and was intent on keeping up the pretence of
maintaining a wasted face intact. What passed for a body was so putrid
that anything which, in a fit of insanity, may have indeed considered the
thought of tearing the extremely powerful Caliginor apart, would find that ‘tearing’ was entirely unnecessary. The body was
merely a decrepit receptacle; a disintegrating decomposition of biological
decay. What superficially could have passed as a body of sorts was merely
a crooked, broken carcass covered with various layers of putrefying flesh and
skin. The breath, which spewed forth to form spurts of acrid steam as he
spoke, stank with the reek of aeons of bloody gore and decay.
Caliginor was proud of
his appearance and enjoyed the looks of horror he constantly received.
However, much to his displeasure, his appearance had not the slightest affect
on the Spectre; currently the only other occupant of the chamber.
The weasel-faced
Spectre, who lightly skimmed the surface of the floor as he swayed to and fro
in his ethereal form, merely looked straight at Caliginor with what appeared to
be totally disinterested disdain. He still said not a word.
The Spectre knew The
Darkenighte well and he knew The Darkenighte’s temper even better. It was
a temper which the Spectre had far too often seen being used to discipline
those of Caliginor’s minions who had the misfortune to have fallen out of The
Darkenighte’s favour. It was a temper which promised indescribable
horrors; long, lingering and unbearable horrors. No being had ever, or could
ever, withstand it, neither darzim nor mortal. No being, that is except
for the Spectre who, despite The Darkenighte’s threats, refused to be
Outside of the
mountainous stronghold which was Caliginor’s preferred abode; chosen by him to
replicate his home in the UnderDarke; an incessant blizzard pelted the ground.l The midday sky may just as well have not been day; the sky remained perpetually
dark. The Lighte never intruded into the Darke land which Caliginor had
made his own.
Fierce gusts of icy wind
whistled like sirens through the unprotected cavities. The accompanying
lightning flashes flared in an unremitting display of eerie dark because these
lightning flashes were not those experienced within the Realm of The Lighte;
these lightning flashes shone with an intensity of a deeper dark even than the
dark of the sky in which they played. Black Lightning of The Darke was
another of Caliginor’s peculiar creations. The ceaseless charges caused
the rolling thunder to echo forever throughout the dead and blackened mountains.
The ice was comfortable
succour to Caliginor’s person.
Of all things to which
Caliginor had for time without end been accustomed, he had most categorically
enjoyed the glacial cold; that incessant and intense cold which, even as it
kept it intact, made his skin crawl. Icy cold which he had, for so long, enjoyed
within the frozen dominion of The UnderDarke. He had laughed when he
first heard that mortals within the realm of The Lighte believed that the
UnderDarke was a furnace of everlasting fire.
‘Fire provides Lighte’
he snarled. ‘No Lighte would dare intrude within the deepest recesses
which are the UnderDarke; the personal realm of The Darke. How infantile
these mortals are!’
Thinking about The
Lighte within fire, Caliginor knew that he would never be able to, nor would he
ever tolerate a situation where he was forced to endure any form of heat or
light for too long.
Although the room in
which the two fiends met was covered in layers of ice, neither individual felt
the slightest discomfort. Where Caliginor stood, palls of steam rose from
his putrid flesh, and the condensation caused it to hang, uncertain, but only
for mere moments. It almost immediately formed myriad impromptu stalactites and stalagmites, which in many instances pierced Caliginor’s flesh and caused him to shiver in
an abstracted, rousing frenzy.
Caliginor distractedly
sliced at the stalactite nearest him and watched it fall to the floor.
“Speak Spectre! I
would know the reason for your failure!” boomed Caliginor once more.
The quiet voice which
emanated from the Spectre was almost inaudible from within the resonating echo
of Caliginor’s words.
“Darkenighte, the
contaminate within the odour darzim was working. It should have killed
the mortal Heir Prince. It would most certainly have killed the Heir
Prince except that, for some reason completely unknown to and not understood by
me, the darzim just disappeared. It didn’t merely leave the Heir Prince’s
presence of its own accord, Darkenighte. It completely vanished. It was as
if it had never existed.” The Spectre shook his head as if to erase his
“That is not
possible! Do you take me for a fool? Do you? Do You?”
“No, Darkenighte.
That I would never presume to do” said the Spectre, whose voice still remained
calm and unmoved by Caliginor’s shrieks.
“That would have meant
that the odour darzim was unsummoned, Spectra. Unsummoned! Do you understand
the magnitude of what you are saying? Unsummoned!” Without pausing,
Caliginor continued “You know as well as I do that it is simply not possible to
unsummon such a darzim” thundered Caliginor and the whole of Mount Vilipend and
its occupants shuddered once more.
“You and your minions
must have assembled the elements incorrectly or, the more likely reason, you
didn’t imbed the correct instructions within the summoned odour darzim.”
Caliginor’s fury had
stewed and simmered throughout the hours he had been contemplating why the Heir
Prince was still alive and what had gone wrong with his plan. His rage
intensified through knowing that the shadow darzim which he himself had
summoned to bear witness to, and, even more importantly, to ensure the odour
darzim’s success, had itself been
soundly defeated. The shadow darzim's instruction was to ensure the death of the Heir Prince, even if it, itself had to become involved.
When what remained of
his summoned darzim eventually returned to him; what he grudgingly and
unwillingly witnessed with his own eyes was as thorough a vanquishing as he had
ever before come across. Certainly far greater than he himself had ever
managed to achieve; and that infuriated him even more.
The shattered shadow
darzim had lain within Caliginor’s chamber quivering and convulsing as if it
was a mortal being.
Seeing the
incomprehensible destruction of the darzim infuriated Caliginor
into a whirlpool of rage which threatened to overcome him.
“That was My darzim. How is this possible” shouted Caliginor to no one and everyone. In his entire mortal existence, that had never happened. It was not possible to vanquish a darzim in the manner which he was personally witnessing. It was simply not possible. It could not be allowed to happen either.
“That was My darzim. How is this possible” shouted Caliginor to no one and everyone. In his entire mortal existence, that had never happened. It was not possible to vanquish a darzim in the manner which he was personally witnessing. It was simply not possible. It could not be allowed to happen either.
“The Heir Prince is
still alive?” Caliginor had shouted as his shadow darzim half sat, half
lay in front of him “What are you doing back here? You were supposed to
intervene if necessary, that’s the reason I summoned you”. The shadow
darzim cowered further against the wall. A darzim cowering was so unexpected
that Caliginor, who knew he would get no satisfactory answer from the darzim,
kicked at it in utter fury until it finally stopped moving and withered away to
nonexistence in front of him. He felt no satisfaction from his actions; not like he did when he tortured mortals, but the situation was different,
mortals died and, if Caliginor was involved, died horribly; a darzim was
immortal and its vanquished essence would merely return to the UnderDarke to be
reformulated as The Darke saw fit.
“Someone will suffer for
this failure” he had vowed when the darzim was no more. Caliginor
desperately wanted that ‘someone’ to be the Spectre who was now standing calmly
in front of him; but not yet. No, not yet. The Spectre was still needed.
The deadlock and the obvious necessity for patience, which Caliginor had never
previously needed nor exercised, did nothing to improve The Darkenighte’s
temper. The fact that his very own, personally summoned, shadow darzim had been
vanquished at the same time as the odour darzim had been, was entirely irrelevant.
The Spectre, Weda’Sel, had failed him. He would suffer. In time he would suffer not only for his failure but, more importantly, because Caliginor so desperately wanted to see him squirm. Caliginor had already waited aeons to punish the weasel-faced shape-shifting Spectre, for nothing more than that the Spectre did not fear him. He would bide his time for a while longer.
The Spectre, Weda’Sel, had failed him. He would suffer. In time he would suffer not only for his failure but, more importantly, because Caliginor so desperately wanted to see him squirm. Caliginor had already waited aeons to punish the weasel-faced shape-shifting Spectre, for nothing more than that the Spectre did not fear him. He would bide his time for a while longer.
“The Heir Prince is not
strong enough in his own power to overcome a darzim, unless there was some
fault which was inherent in the odour darzim, Weda’Sel” continued Caliginor,
whose voice rose to an even higher crescendo with each word he spoke until it reached a crescendo as he shouted the
Spectre’s name. “You were the only one who knew what the order was.
You must have altered it in some way!”
“Darkenighte, everything
was done exactly as it should have been done” replied Weda’Sel, still
unperturbed. “The summoned odour darzim was capable of a trail of
destruction which would have had the most horrific of consequences. You, yourself know that an odour darzim is a weapon of immense power which can
disperse its infectious contaminate instantly from within its vapour. It
is precisely because you know this already that you ordered that the odour
darzim in particular be summoned. It is well-suited to killing thousands
of mortals within very short periods of time. We did everything exactly according to the
correct summoning. As you instructed, the power of all that essence was concentrated to kill
only one - The Heir Prince. Your shadow darzim would have immediately let you know that the odour
darzim was at its most effective when it arrived within the sphere of the Heir
Caliginor didn’t react
as the Spectre revealed his knowledge of the summoned shadow darzim.
Anyone else would not have noticed the tiny twitch above Caliginor’s right
eye, which had slightly more flesh than the rest of his brow; but Weda’Sel
noticed it. He, in turn, didn't show any sign of having noticed that
telltale twitch.
“Do Not pretend to
placate me, Spectre!” Caliginor’s fury, at his loss of vantage as well as
having been taken aback by the Spectre’s awareness of his darzim, was causing
him to shake with rage. “And then make use of the mortal expressions ‘trail
of destruction’ and ‘the most horrific of consequences’! It makes me
believe that you have no stomach for the task at hand. It most definitely
makes me believe that there is little doubt that you did have something to do
with the odour darzim not completing its task.”
“I have been your
subordinate for these many aeons, Darkenighte. There would surely be no
honour to me, or value to you, if I were to suddenly turn towards the Deities
of Lighte. They are two where you have the advantage of living within the
unified strength of one. The force must lie with you.” The
incongruity of comparing Caliginor with Deities did not occur to Caliginor,
nor, it appeared, did it occur to the Spectre.
“Your tongue is
slippery, Weda’Sel but what you speak, does in some way have the feel of
openness about it. It would not be rational of you to think
to try to fool me with devious words, however. What you report is not
fact; it is presumption and presumption is not to be believed by any sensible
thinking being.”
Weda’Sel looked long at
Caliginor as if digesting The Darkenighte’s words and then bowed low.
“It is as you have said,
Darkenighte. The odour darzim’s disappearance will be investigated by me
in person. I personally will bring the report to you, Darkenighte and you
have my word on it that the report will be punctual and factual.”
“Go then!” thundered The
Darkenighte “and do not return without verification; but do not think to absent
yourself from me for too long, Spectre. If you do and I become disturbed
once more about your lack of loyalty, I will find you wherever you are and instantly
send you through the hills of the corpse serpent where you will wander in the
mazes of the dead for eternity. You will not remain on this plane to
either exasperate me or to try and explain to me your absence of any evidence.”
“I understand,
Darkenighte. I will retire now to seek out the cause of the darzim’s
unsummoning. I shall return without delay.”
As Weda’Sel started to
retreat, Caliginor forcibly pushed past him and, as he did so, he brushed up
against Weda’Sel and then stalked to the portal in the middle of the chamber.
Caliginor did not fail
to notice the ever so slight trace of revulsion which flickered through
Weda’Sel’s features as his rancid body made contact with the spectral form.
His lips snarled as he smiled to himself at the revulsion on the Spectre’s
face. “Perfect!” he thought.
Weda’Sel in turn saw the
snarl and smiled inwardly. He had cultivated just the look of revulsion
he knew Caliginor would have expected from him. He would never let
Caliginor know that he had long since become inured to the sight, vile odour
and ravings of The Darkenighte. Nor would he ever allow Caliginor to know
that there was other more serious knowledge which he did have concerning the
unsummoning of the odour darzim. Knowledge which did, indeed, bother him.
Not for an instant did
Weda’Sel wonder even vaguely at Caliginor’s blatant physical contact with his
spectral form. He was not particularly surprised by it. He knew
that, at any opportunity, Caliginor would have vented his violent anger on him
physically if he could. That he couldn’t do so was a protection for which
Weda’Sel was extremely grateful. Through the sheer frustration of seeing
the Spectre but not being able to physically vent his anger on him, The
Darkenighte had perfected his ability to at least physically make some contact
with the Spectre many aeons previously, although it was not something in which
he found any pleasure. In fact any contact with the Spectre was one of
the very few things which actually revolted The Darkenighte.
Each time Caliginor
achieved his physical contact of Weda’Sel’s spectral form, Weda’Sel felt the
extent of Caliginor’s revulsion and his innermost satisfaction sometimes almost
threatened to show itself on his features. He was, however, very careful to ensure
that that would never happen. As Weda’Sel left the chamber, he thought
absently about how long it had been since he had stopped being shocked at or
revolted by anything that Caliginor said or did.
Weda’Sel had always
known that Caliginor genuinely saw himself as elevated so far above all other
mortal life that his having in any way to interact with mortal life was his own
form of perdition.
“Under-chambers!” The command was barked as Caliginor
kicked at the plinth, his altercation with Weda’Sel out of his mind for the
moment, but most certainly not forgotten.
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