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Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Quickie update on The Daighacaer and Blogging A-Z 2014

Oh my, how time flies.  It was almost a year ago that I got to know so many of you.  In this year, my life has changed direction so many times, I feel quite dizzy.  What hasn't changed, though is my commitment to completing 'Escape from Mount Vilipend', the first in my epic fantasy series, The Daighacaer.  I was getting so frustrated that I just couldn't get the thing finished but, in hindsight, I needed the time for reflection.  The end is now in sight (one chapter to complete and a bit more of one other) and then I can send it to an agent.

I've been totally blessed to have an editor work with me even though I haven't quite finished.  With her invaluable input, I just know that the very best of the story will be showcased. :)

April begins another exciting annual Blogging A-Z event and, as much as I wanted to have all my 'days' written and ready so that I could concentrate on others' work, that was not to be.  This year, I've decided that I'll write a poem a day, going through the alphabet.  I haven't decided on a theme as yet so I'll surprise myself with this as well...

This is my little feral rescue kitten whom I've called 'Paisley' because of his beautiful markings


  1. Hey Fe! Good to hear from you. Glad you are so close to finishing that story.
    Glad you're back for the Challenge. Don't stress you don't have all the posts ready. Just go with it and see what happens!

    1. Thanks, Alex

      I'm so looking forward to it actually. Sometimes concentrated effort really pushes one to achieve the required miracle!

