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Saturday, 15 February 2025


Good morning

I'm up early so decided to add in a bonus Saturday poem because it's topical, worldwide, at the moment.

It's past time for the evil of flooding nations with military-aged men of an opposing culture to be stopped immediately. The humanitarian crisis which is occurring is against the natives of the affected countries and not the illegals who are being welcomed in by corrupt bureaucratic criminals. 

Are there genuine cases of need by refugees? Of course. However, these people should be required to enter host countries legally and be expected to assimilate into the culture. There is nothing outlandish about these requirements. 

In all cases, compassion should be tempered with common sense and illegal entry into a country is never acceptable.

Wouldn't it be amazing if a proper rule of law were to be implemented throughout the whole of the West, which is being decimated by communist overlords who have managed, over the years, to gain power and take advantage of Western people's compassion and care for one another?

I want to see people face the harshest of consequences for their crimes and the unbelievable atrocities they have committed. This includes those who have been orchestrating the carnage.


I am proudly tolerant
I believe in human rights
However there’s a caveat
When it comes to human wrongs

When human rights
Are harmed through crime
For the perpetrators
Only basic human rights remain

The right to food and water
To the most basic cleanliness
The right to stay locked in a cell
The right to stark facilities

They do not have the right to vote
Nor the right to watch TV
They have no right to education funds
Nor the right to remain free

They have the right to prison clothes
To work damned hard to earn their way
The right to be accountable for crimes
The right to know how they will pay

Yes I’m proudly tolerant
I do believe in Human Rights
Especially for innocent victims
Of crimes by human wrongs

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