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Thursday, 13 February 2025


Good morning

I know that not everyone will agree with me on this and that's perfectly fine. We're all entitled to our own opinions. This is mine.

Lest anyone should forget the horror of what may have been. Mankind was as close to a cataclysmic catastrophe as it ever could have been. This is not hyperbole. 

Here's an interesting hypothesis and one which many people have presented. As only one example, the media worldwide is owned by six entities (this is an indisputable fact) and, for those who will dig further, these six all owe allegiance to one or two, who, in turn, owe allegiance only to the prince of the world. How many times have different media outlets not only presented the same message but they repeat the same phrases over and over again. Repetition is a tactic to embed an idea into one's mind. One glaring exaple of this is, "He is a threat to our democracy." I've seen clips of hundreds of media repeating that daily as if it's a mantra.

Something that is interesting too, is that the Bible refers to both earth and world. The context is important and, from all accounts, 'earth' means the physical plane, while 'world' refers to the world structure of government. The world is a mess and this is as a result of the actions of governments or 'world' systems. Over the years, it has become clear that the 'world' is working in opposition to or in rebellion against God. 

The past few decades have certainly been proof of this with every aspect of life being subverted and perverted - drugs and indiscriminate promiscuity which began in earnest in the 60s, on to removal of God from governments and schools from the 90s and 2000s. This began slowly at first and, in the last few years, there has been a rush of every possible deviancy being paraded in the open. This rush appears to be as a result of 'the world' (and satan's minions) finding out that their plans for 'one ring to bind them all' have not only been discovered but are being dismantled.

Thank God Almighty for an American administration which is righting the wrongs of the past. Don't be mistaken, should President Trump not have been elected, the reality of this poem would, of a certainty, have been the future of America and, by extension, of the whole world. It is true that 'as goes America, so goes the world'.

There was and still is to a large degree, such unbelievable evil afoot. An evil which, for thousands of years, ruled the world with a fist of iron couched in words of devious gentle tenderness.

I can't say it better than this from Google:

In the Bible, Satan is known for spreading lies and deception, and some say he rules through his philosophies. 
How does Satan use words?
  • Spreads liesSatan spreads lies like "God doesn't exist" and "You can go to heaven if you're good enough". 
  • Uses deceptionSatan uses deception and trickery to deceive people and undermine God's kingdom.
  • Uses accusationsSatan accuses people, such as in Revelation 12:10. 
How does Satan operate? 
  • TemptationSatan tempts people to do wrong.
  • ObstructionSatan obstructs people's progress.
  • TormentSatan torments people.
  • PossessionSatan possesses people.
  • InstigationSatan instigates people to do wrong.
  • DestructionSatan destroys people and God's kingdom.

Thank God Almighty that enough people are now awakened to this evil that this scourge of the earth is being dismantled and destroyed and, with God's help, miracles upon miracles are opening eyes and hearts. God Bless America.


Escape from a land of hell
To create a land of hell
A divisive
They hated the tyrants
Then killed
As tyrants do

Two hundred and fifty years ago
They established a nation apart
Yet as time went by
Some forgot or never did intend
To be the difference
They pledged that they would be
They revelled as they created
In the new land across the sea
The monster they had left behind
The monster they had fled

Nothing learned
Nothing gained
Where can the people
Flee to now?
The land is a malignant growth

How saddened
How sickened
The Founders would be
If they could experience
If they could see
How their Pledge
Is turned to spoil
By those
Who claim
The right
To subjugate
To rule

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