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Thursday, 13 February 2025

OVER THE EDGE - Pre-Val Day 3 - Should have been 1st

Good morning

This poem is a little out of line. It should have been the first in this impromptu series. It deals with the beginning of feelings of love; the indecision and trepidation to pursue a dream or not; and then the succumbing to everything that Love is.

It is at the point of surrendering to the feelings of love that heart, mind, body and soul all connect to create turmoil. The body loses its power over itself. The mind becomes porridge and is unable to articulate even the  simplest of thoughts. The heart has a mind of its own and the beats become so erratic and insistent that they overpower all else. Two souls seek to bond and, when that happens, all four aspects conjoin into a chaos of emotion. Falling in love is not a simple well-known phrase. It explains the reality of the experience and it is exhausting.



Love stood at the edge
Looking down on
The roiling boiling mass below
Shocked yet intrigued by the chaos
Love stood aside
Looked and wondered

Love stepped over the edge
Tentatively touching
The edge of reason
Drawn ever closer by something wild

Love moved forward
Touched and
Touched again

Love moved into the mass
Embracing passion in
The roiling boiling mass within

Stunned at the unexpected hunger
Love surrendered completely
Gave and received in turn

Love succumbed to the mass
Senses drowning in
A spiralling vortex of sensation
Soul essence pulsating uncontrolled
Love burst within itself
Creating more love-filled chaos

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