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Friday, 10 May 2013


A quickie to provide answers to the puzzles from my previous post.

One may not start a sentence with 'because', because 'because' is a conjunction.

I wouldn't include the comma after the first 'because' because 'because' is a conjunction in its own right.  

I've also noticed that, in modern dictionaries, it has become common practice to begin sentences with conjunctions. Strange.

Please redo the sign.  The gaps between 'Fish' and 'and' and 'and' and 'Chips' are too large.

Peter, where John had had 'had', had had 'had had'.  'Had had' had had the teacher's approval.

In my opinion, only a sadist would use that sentence as it stands.  Easier reading would be:

Peter, where John had used the past tense 'had', had used the past perfect tense 'had had'.  The past perfect tense 'had had' had had the teacher's approval.

More of the same - or not

My choice of poem shows the powerful effect of alliteration combined with repetition.  I didn't write the poem with this in mind but sometimes things work out differently from what one expects.  In this instance, I can't help but read 'The wheels grind slowly' rather slowly, especially when I reach the third iteration of it.  I find it particularly obvious because the lines between are quite fast-paced.  Perhaps it's just me...


The wheels grind slowly
The wheels grind slowly
The wheels grind slowly

As I go on my way

To seek my life
In a different day

The wheels grind slowly
The wheels grind slowly
The wheels grind slowly

As I go on my way

To seek my life
In a different way

The wheels grind slowly
As I go on my way


  1. The poem is more effective when read out loud. I like it. It feels like a start-stop motion, kind of like when we try to make changes in our lives.

  2. Hello Bethie

    Thanks for the visit. That's exactly what it's like, isn't it? :) Thank you for explaining it so very well.

  3. Those sentences were brain murder! But the poem was interesting to read.

    Shannon at The Warrior Muse

    1. HaHaHa!!!

      That is so true, Shannon. I love your expression 'brain murder'. I'm going to pinch it to use, if you don't mind...

  4. That hurts my head, which I'm forced to say since Shannon used "brain murder."
