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Friday, 24 May 2013

Sunshine All the Time

We're on our way into winter on this patch of the quilt so receiving The Sunshine Award from Sharon (Shells, Tales and Sails) is a most welcome delight.  

I'm very new to blogging.  Previously, I've written in solitude and been quite content.  However, now that I've discovered blogging, a whole new world has suddenly opened up.

Thank you, thank you, Sharon, for my morning Sunshine.  I truly appreciate it.

So, here are the rules:
  • Feature a picture of this award in a post on your blog.
  • Answer 10 random questions about yourself.
  • Nominate 10 other bloggers. Be sure to link to their blogs and let them know. 


1.     What inspired you to start blogging?
Hmmm.  This is a bit of a difficult one.  A while ago I opened a page on Facebook and started adding my poems and other writing to it.  As they tend to do, Facebook drastically changed their focus and all such pages went the way of the dinosaurs.  During last year, I moved everything from my Facebook page to a blog but didn't have a cooking clue what I was doing so that pretty much bubbled under the surface in the ether with me occasionally adding posts.  No great shakes and I wondered why 'everyone' found blogging so interesting.  Enter my brother Geoffrey of Geoff's Blogs who told me that he was entering the A-Z Challenge for April 2013.  He helped me register and I became immersed in the Challenge - except that I was still on my own in my little 'blogworld'.  Geoff suggested that the blog server was the problem and, on the 10th of April I copied all my posts including my A-Z on to my hard drive (I couldn't export for some reason) and started on Blogger.  Oh my!  Who could have known what delights were waiting to be discovered...

2.     How did you come up with the name of your blog?
I'm writing a novel (it's an epic fantasy so I'm finishing the first in the series at the moment).  I also write poetry; children's stories and poetry; as well as self-development and industry articles.  So, in effect, I write.  Felicity Writing Away is exactly who and what I am and why the name is so appropriate.

3.     What is your favourite blog to read?
My reading focus, since I am such a new blogger is mainly on other writers and all things writing; editing and publishing.  Having said that, I also follow foodies, archeologists, travellers, photographers and a whole bunch more.  I love this social environment and even if I only get to a couple or three blogs a day, I take much joy in reading everyone's work.
4.     Tell us about your dream job:
I've taken far, far too long to get to the point where I am able to spend time on my dream job which is and always will be to write.  I immerse myself in the world's I'm creating and my characters draw me into their lives totally.  I love that each one of them has a distinct personality which shines through as they fight for their very survival.  Yes, there's no doubt - my dream job is to continue to write away, each and every day…

5.     Is your glass half-full or half-empty?
This is an interesting question.  Half-full /half-empty are two sides of a coin, it's just easier and more valuable to weight the coin on the full side.  I honestly believe that we draw to ourselves what we project from ourselves.  I've recently done a consulting job where there was a major personality conflict.  Through some honest questioning of the parties and my giving honest suggestions, there's been a miraculous (yes, I believe in miracles and expect them every day) reversal of attitude from both parties.  I love that. 

6.     If you could go anywhere for a week's vacation, where would you go?
If I had only one week (or if I had the finances to do so forever), I'd disappear into the African bush.  There's nothing quite like waking up in the morning to the sound of elephant trumpets and lion roars, punctuated at irregular intervals with strident or melodious greeting by the many species of birds which grace our skies.  We are blessed with so many wildlife sanctuaries in Southern Africa and nothing revives my soul more than immersing myself in nature.

7.     What food can you positively not eat?
There's no food I cannot eat but if I'm ever in countries which have suspect eating habits, I only eat vegetables.

8.     Dark chocolate or milk chocolate?
Chocolate - period!

9.     How much time do you spend blogging?
I'm still learning about blogging so it varies a lot.  There are so many sites I like to visit.  However, I do work and I'm working towards finishing my novel so I try to visit two or three blogs a day with one being a new one.  That doesn't sound like a lot but I don't just 'stop by', I really read the blog.  People have taken time to write their thoughts, I take the time to appreciate them. For the next while, I'm going to try (operative word) to restrict myself as I really need to finish my novel which is so almost there.

10. Do you watch TV and if so, what are your favourite shows?
This is the easiest question to answer.  No.  I don't watch TV.

There are so many wonderful bloggers whom I know. The ten bloggers I've nominated for the Sunshine Award are:
(Warning to nominees below. This is a time-consuming post. I understand if it takes awhile or if you are simply too busy. Just wanted you to know you are on my 'good' list and I thought the award fit  :-)) [this was 'stolen' directly from Sharon as I cannot express it better]

·         Geoff Maritz (Geoff's Blogs)
·         Sharon Himsl (Shells, Tales and Sails)
·         Cherie Reich (Author)
·         John Wiswell (The Bathroom Monologues)
·         Alex Nader  (Alex NaderWrites)
·         Susan Scott (Garden of Eden Blog)
·         Julia Chang (A Dose of Jules)
·         Michael di Gesu (In Time)
·         Nick Wilford (Scattergun Scribblings)

·         C B Wentworth (C B Wentworth)


  1. I love that you can just switch to being vegetarian if you're suspicious of local eating habits. That's a rather brilliant adaptation!

    And thank you for nominating me. I will plug away at this as soon as I can.

    1. I think the 'eww' factor plays a very big part in it, John, although I love and eat lots of vegetables anyway.

      About the Award - you are more than welcome.

  2. Congrats on the award and thanks for stopping by my blog.

    1. Thanks. Your blog is amazing and I'm glad I found it.

  3. Yes. Chocolate period.

    And the African bush would be an amazing experience.

    1. There I was thinking I was the only one who doesn't have a strong preference for any particular kind of chocolate; or, more correctly, has a strong preference for any kind of chocolate...

      Someone recently said that people overseas call it Africa whereas we call it Home. That's true. You have no idea how incredible a bush experience is, even to those of us who are, supposedly, inured to its charms. Africa gets into one's blood.

  4. Congratulations on the award! I prefer any chocolate too. Mmm, now I have a craving.

    1. Thank you, Christine and thank you for the visit.

      I admit to having raided the jar for a slab or two just after I wrote about it...

  5. http://alexnaderwrites.wordpress.com/2013/05/26/sunshine-award/ just finished mine

  6. I had a similar experience with the A-Z. Really took my breath away...and changed my view of blogging. Had no idea a blog 'community' even existed. Fun learning that you and Geoff are brothers!

    1. Hello, Sharon

      It is funny that Geoff and I like the same people's blogs. We're very different but clearly we are also a lot the same...

      I was going to leave you a smiley face but, as I'm on a mission to not use acronyms and emoticons at the moment - purely a personal mission - I'll wish you a wonderful and happy day!

  7. Hehe! I would be very suspicious of food in other countries too. Thanks for nominating me for the award! :)

  8. Hello, Cherie

    Yep. I must admit I don't find scorpions and cockroaches on sticks as well as totally unmentionable stuff appealing at all. At least bok choy is pretty innocuous. :)

    1. Oh, and you're more than welcome. I love your blog
