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Tuesday, 30 April 2019

Z - Zeitgeist


There are times when living is really tough
When tranquil is a myth
When all we touch turns into chaff
When the dark comes crowding in
As we try to sleep each night
When the abyss is never-ending
With no hint of an end in sight

As we reach the lowest of our all-time low
Through fake smiles and nods and cheer
We find no way to turn around
Our persistent fear and despair
To be as the world expects of us
Though mists of darkness swirl and roil
We feign our felicity and our control

Yet in the distance a sliver of light
Opens a chink which begins to blush
The void which we’ve embraced so tight
To protect us from being hurt once more
Seems less burdensome for a moment in time
The beginning of a less oppressive life perhaps
The lifting of years of doubt and pain

You, Lord, are that to me in some strange and wondrous way
You have changed a once-deadened heart
Who’s ready laughs and jokes aside
Had to try hard to pretend to care
One who now if the need is there
Has begun to shed an honest tear
Decades of detachment in reverse

Thank you, Lord, for helping to relieve my plight
Although to be honest I’m plagued by doubt
That life will be better as my senses renew
Those times when I feel emotions so raw
Are more uncomfortable than You will know
Being out of control fills me with Holy dread
Is it better to be living than the living dead?

That time in all our lives, it seems
When we’ve moved out from the dark
Into Your embrace and Your Holy Light
As all things hidden become manifest
Your hand leads those who spread Your love
Throughout this world You gave to us
To live in peace one to another for Your Name’s sake

Monday, 29 April 2019

Y - Yet Still


Yet still

The girl
With the broken mind


Rocking herself

The hard stone floor

Sunday, 28 April 2019

X - Those Autumn Airs (Yes, there's an 'x' in there, somewhere)

(Yes, there’s an ‘x’ in there, somewhere)

It’s an early sunshine morning
On High Street once again
In summer’s final frantic fuss
A chill has crept into the air

Winds are blowing clouds above
Setting the stage for autumn’s makeover
When leaves transform to xanthic
From their natural luscious jade
On the telephone lines
Sit nature’s music-makers
Where high notes of a rhapsody
Are composed each day from dawn

In wonder and awe I’ve watched
A pure symphonic score
Grow in range and depth
From Cee to Gee and back again

At first a simple finger-tapped warble
Filled but one line of score
Yet as the each day grew shorter
A fresh new line added rhythm to the tune

To me the growing melody
Harmonised airs of glockenspiel
As fine-tuned demis, semis and sharps
Performed before their migrant flight

The fascination was complete
As they perfected their score

Not quite, move left, no right
Make room you lot
Down on line four
Not that much
Close up again
That’s right
We’re almost perfect
Sing the tune in harmony
We’ve a long way yet to go

We’re done
It’s there
In time
Chill has now
Crept into the air

It’s time to leave the telephone line
It’s time to move the music
It’s time for us to sky out
For yet another year

It’s time to seek those warmer climes
It’s time to bid adieu
It’s time to bring our curtain down
On this our goodbye song

Friday, 26 April 2019

W - The Weaker Sex


Well, he coughs and he splutters
Goes straight up to bed
With a frog in his throat
With a sore aching head

Because it’s a naturally accepted thing
That men are the weaker sex

He comes home from work, dead tired
Barely makes the front door
Disrobes from lounge to bedroom
Redecorating the floor

Because it’s a naturally accepted thing
That men are the weaker sex

Man and wife come home from work each day
She prepares their evening meal
He reads or watches the news
And awaits his lamb or veal

Because it’s a naturally accepted thing
That men are the weaker sex

The baby wakes each morning
At two am or may three
Mom soothes, puts baby back to sleep
While dad sleeps on unconsciously

Because it’s a naturally accepted thing
That men are the weaker sex

V - Velvet Whispers


My Life Love


Your velvet whispers

Perfumed splendour
Enraptures me

Myriad colours
Fuse You
Within my very soul

Ravishing my senses
Piercing my essence
With Your

Thursday, 25 April 2019

U - The Unremarkable


If I were to look
Back into my past
What would I see?
A multitude of hopeful
Cheerful interludes
Dusted with
The Unremarkable

Would I change it?
The past
I see?
The Unremarkable?
Not now!
Not ever!

The mistakes I’ve made
Teach me
My life
The loves lost
Along the way
Establish me

Even more than that
The loves gone
The lives lost
The Unremarkable
Will not ever
Nor cannot ever

If I were to look
Back into my past
What would I see?
Myriad buoyant
Joyful intervals
Many more familiar
Unexceptional phases

Would I change it?
The past I know?
The Unremarkable?
Not now!
Not ever!
For my past is Me!

Wednesday, 24 April 2019

T - Toes Itch


I watch you darting
From pillar to post
I see you smile
I hear you laugh

In watching you
I too feel good
You fill the room
Bring light into the air

With a spring in your step
As you work
You appear to be more at play
This is indeed a glorious day

Your eyes sparkle
Your toes itch
You begin your life
In the light

Tuesday, 23 April 2019

S - The Sun Shone Black


The Moon shone full
Supremely illuminating the night
Creating fluid sheen on water
Transforming trees and leaves
Into not quite stark silhouettes
In an almost night, almost day

The Sun shone black
Darker than the night it crept in
Bringing with it
A depth of obscure mystery
Eclipsing all it touched
With commanding conviction

The Moon fought bravely
To hold on to her power
Yet the unhurried compelling onslaught
Ate away her life spirit
Until she closed her eyes
Under the total domination

As soon as he’d mastered her
The Sun passed lovingly through
Touching the delicate night light
As the Moon restored her reign
Until once more her grace
Radiated in the night sky
Resplendent in regained luminescence

As Night bowed to Day
The Moon curtsied to the Sun
Unconcerned at His unusual foray
Into her cyclical realm
Her smile was gentle, his intense
Together always, complete and infinite
Eternal lovers ruling Day and Night

Monday, 22 April 2019

R - Raptors


The sky shone brightly
A blue vibrant hue
Untainted today by
Powder puff clouds
Or gossamer wisps
Of candyfloss strands

In formation they flew
Three magnificent
Ships in the sky
Fighter pilots yes
But reconnaissance too
Winging their way on the wind

Upward they soared
Then circled once more
Regrouping it seemed
They rested
Their triangular skill
Armed and ready to kill

Caught by choice
In a current
They drifted earthward
Yet drift isn’t quite right
They glided
Sailing close to the wind

Three expert forms
Concave wings outstretched
Dove one by one
Towards the earth
To instantly rise
Into the skies once more

Three fighter pilots
Claw over claw
Each with its prey
Suspended in motion
Lanced in combat
On talons of death

Raptors do not know
What it is to rejoice
There’s only one thing they know
That if they don’t hunt
For their every meal
They will surely die

So these splendid eagles
Take to the skies each day
To search where they can
For their daily meat
Magnificent ships of the sky
Beautiful birds of prey

Sunday, 21 April 2019

Q - Quandary


I hold my breath
My life
My death
My life
Is almost
Almost upon me
Once again
I shudder

Will I suffocate?
Will I drown?

Shattered tranquillity
Chaos of stability
Washed away
I dare not breathe
My chest begins to heave
My life
My death
My life
I surge
As I breathe
Great gulping gasps
Of pure fresh air