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Wednesday, 2 April 2014


Drive Safely.  Accidents happen!  

Far too often the physical damage caused by an accident is repaired but not much can be done for the mental damage which is sustained; not from want of trying.  The mental damage often far outweighs the physical and we, as a race, have not yet fully come to grips with the workings of the brain nor do we yet know how to repair the damageSadly, this leaves us with so many people who will never be able to function fully, ever again. 

I wrote this poem after a particularly horrific motorcycle accident in which the passenger was killed and the rider sustained severe brain damage.


Stark double doors - Johannesburg, South Africa
I walked out through the double doors
Holding hands
With a beautiful man
Who has no future
No great decisive plan
Nothing will ever be the same
Nothing can ever be the same

A lost broken life
With nowhere to go
Nowhere to be
No place to lay his head
His poor broken head

He looked at me
This broken man
With bright blue
Wide open eyes

He is no longer
Who he was
Will never be again
No curiosity
No questioning
Not any more

For now
Enough to walk
Be led

One day
One year
He’ll comprehend
A little
He’ll smile
A little

Right now
I walk out through the double doors
Holding hands
With a beautiful man


  1. That is really powerful. Sorry you had to witness such a horrible accident. When it involves a motorcycle, it's never good.

  2. There are too many horrible stories involving motorcycles.

  3. Wow! well done. My wife works with people like this and I see them too. This poem really drives the reality home.

  4. Oh, this is so sad, yet poignant and beautiful too. Accidents do happen, and the effects of them can be devastating.

    MJ, A to Z Challenge Co-Host
    Writing Tips
    Effectively Human
    Lots of Crochet Stitches

  5. Wow you're already on B! I love that we have people from all over in the Challenge :)
    Your poem was lovely, and sad.

    AJ @ Naturally Sweet
    an A-Z co-host blog

  6. This is lovely!!! I look forward to reading more of your work (because yay! I'm a new follower).

  7. Thank you everyone for your very kind words and, to you, Kate, I hope I live up to your expectations.


  8. Your tenderness for this wounded man shines through. Not the man he was, but still a man worth loving. God bless, Maria from Delight Directed Living

    1. Thanks, Maria

      Yes indeed, still a man worth loving.

      God Bless


  9. Your poem is quite powerful, Fe. I felt the pain of this man.

  10. Your poem is very beautiful and heart-wrenching.

  11. That's so horrible. My mother witnessed something similar, and it really got to her. I wonder if I should send this to her. It's such a powerful poem.

    Random Musings from the KristenHead — B is for 'Believe' (and Behold the Beguiling Beauty of the Beach)
