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Monday, 7 April 2014

Four Seasons

As we go into the change of our seasons - the Northern Hemisphere into summer and, here in the Southern Hemisphere, into winter, I was reminded that there are seasons in other aspects of our lives too. Included in this are economic and political structures.  What struck me as well, is that, as the seasons follow one after the other, so all social doctrines also do.  The truth is (and Thank God for that) there truly is nothing static on earth as we see in Ecclesiastes 1:9:  (New King James Version (NKJV))
9 That which has been, is what will be,
That which is done, is what will be done,
And there is nothing new under the sun.

Four Seasons

The Party
Once had a vision
New directions
Youthful enthusiasm
Better conditions
Lower crime
London, England 2009

Tragic but true
Once he had sampled power
National interest palled
Yesterday’s news
Leadership absorption
Arrogance of office
Intolerant narcissism
Revolting the senses

The leader
One-time Nonpareil
Now considered spent
Yokes and binds the country
Businesses and individuals
Languish from miscarriage 

Turmoil and tumult
Occasion revealing tableaux
Naked obvious truths
Yawn their torments
Buried time out of mind
Laid bare for the world to see
Awaken now to resist
Immoral doctrinal


  1. There are definitely seasons, ebbs, tides and cycles in the universe. Whether it's weather, cultural, political or whatever, things always seem to come full circle sooner or later. These are the thoughts your poem brought to my mind.

    MJ, A to Z Challenge Co-Host
    Writing Tips
    Effectively Human
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  2. Powerful post Felicity thank you ... seasons and the sun and moon always change from light to dark and back again and we can only hope this will be true in our beloved country as well.

    Garden of Eden Blog

  3. That's what I was thinking and hoping and praying, Susan and why are you also up at this ridiculous hour?

    1. I'm in San Francisco at the moment at long last flying home tomorrow evening ie Mon night back home Wed a.m. - but pray tell what are YOU doing up at this ridiculous hour??? Was interested to see MJ's comment was similar to mine which I noted only afterwards!

    2. Have a good journey home. The furkids woke me up to go our and I figured it's only an hour to wakeup time so here I am, checking emails. Grrr. I'll catch some more zzzzs in a tiny bit.

  4. Really nice poem, thank you. Nice to follow and connect http://aimingforapublishingdeal.blogspot.co.uk/

  5. Thanks for the visit, Charlotte and I've returned the favour... :)

  6. Time for a revolution!
    Or a new election year, one of the two.
    Nice choice of Bible verse.

  7. You write such powerful poems.

  8. This is definitely a powerful poem. Seems like a new political season with each news item. :)

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