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Friday, 11 April 2014


James and Renee (Brother and Sister)

This poem was written for my Dad, for his birthday on the 4th of August but it could just as well be any day.  He died of cancer 36 years ago and his memory is still as much alive as it was when he first left us.

(In Your Honour, My Precious Father)

There have been so many times
In this life of mine
When all I’ve wanted to do
Was to turn to you
My father
To get your loving advice

We so often stumble
And we regularly fall
This is true of life and lives
But with you to turn to
My father
Those times were never that bad

Your grandchildren are now grown
And what treasures they are
Each in their own
Individual way
My father
They live your spirit through loving memories

Celebrate with us today
From your home in Heaven
As we remember your birth
Yet more to the point
My father
How you lived your exceptional life

Your teachings have endured
Into your next generation
As you always hoped they would
Thank you for blessing our lives
My father
Dearest Father of ours


  1. I'm sorry, Fe. That is a wonderful tribute to your father.

  2. My father died way too young and I miss him all the time. Beautiful poem, I love it's sentiments.

  3. Lovely! Wonderful tribute. My birthday is August 4th also...
    Tina @ Life is Good
    A to Z Team @ Blogging From A to Z April Challenge 2014

  4. P.S Added you to the <100 followers page. Now I see MJ has already been here so you're probably on there twice...I didn't take the time to read the whole list...
    Maybe you'll get twice the visitors! ;-)
    Tina @ Life is Good
    A to Z Team @ Blogging From A to Z April Challenge 2014

  5. My dad died two years ago and even though I was fortunate to have him with me for a good part of my life a day hasn't gone by that I don't think of him and miss him. This is a beautiful and touching tribute to your father.

  6. Thank you, Everyone

    Alex, for always being such a supporter;
    Suzanne, yes, the pain doesn't go away, does it?
    Tina, You must be a wonderful person. That's a very auspicious date (to me... :) and thanks so much for the add);
    Julie, I'm so sorry for your loss.
