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Friday, 4 April 2014

Dear Addict

Dear Addict

I think of you
Punch to the midriff
I think of you
My arms go weak
I think of you
My heart starts laughing
My blood gurgles too
As it recognises
My essence
The essence of you

My fingers tingle
As do my toes
My face starts to spasm
Source:  Kyle and Emma

And wrinkles my nose
My cheeks join in
Reaching up to my eyes
Which twinkle and sparkle
Like stars in night skies

I say to myself
There’s a problem here
How can it be
That I hold him so dear?

Then once again
I think of you
Punch to the midriff
My knees touch the floor
Legs which can walk for miles
Don’t make the door

So I say to myself
There’s a problem here
How can it be
That I need him near?

My Heart starts laughing
Shoots straight to the core
I’m surprised at you Darling
So I’ll tell you once more

There’s nothing that you

Will be able to do
So I hope that at last
You’ll listen and hear

The only thing wrong
With you My Dear
Is the song in your heart
Of your love for him
Your very own Love Song
Which sings to your soul
The very same Love Song
Which sings to your Heart

You’re an addict My Dear
You’re an addict it’s true
You’re an addict I fear
That much holds true

The cure is a punch to the midriff
Each time you think of him
A punch to the midriff
When your arms go weak

I laugh at my heart
As I think of you
I'll take that punch to my midriff
My arms can going weak
I even don’t mind

If I don’t reach the door
As long as I’m with you
I can ask for no more


  1. Now that is called fighting back.

  2. wow...
    I wanted to say something more, but that's all I can think of.

  3. Lol - thanks so much Alex and Andrew. I had a lot of fun with this.

    Sorry I've been a bit scarce. I got home from work at 10:00 last night and fell into bed after 'plopping' this down. I was going to give a preamble but decided it didn't need it. It's now 03:00 and I'm awake for long enough to have a cup of tea, then a few more zzzzs before I get up for work again. Thank goodness it's weekend and I'll be able to visit and spend some time time with all the people I want to visit.

  4. I'm an AZtech minion stopping by to say HI! Yes, love for someone can sometimes definitely feel like an addiction.

    1. Hello, Bish

      Thanks for the visit. Popping over to say 'hi' on your blog.

  5. Ouch! :)

    Random Musings from the KristenHead — D is for 'Defiance' (and Dogs)
