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Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Side by Side

Kerryn with Snowbell

There's not really much that I can say as a preface to this poem.  Perfection is in the eye of the beholder and our idea of perfection is certainly not God's idea of it.

Here's Snowbell, our perfect little rescue furgirl, who was born with disabled front paws and was destined to be euthanased before her rescue by my wonderful son, Ross and his just as wonderful fiancee, Kerryn.

What's perfect to and for me, may very well not be so for you and isn't that the way it should be?

Imagine if we all saw perfection the same way?  I don't even want to begin to contemplate that scenario...

Side by Side

Before my conception
God knew
That I would seek perfection
This life through
He made his selection
When time was due
Orchestrated each rejection
Until there was

You are
In your living life
I am
In my life living
An interminable

Our life
Living life
In that place
We stand
Side by Side
We are One


  1. That's beautiful! God led your son to Snowbell. He also doesn't make mistakes.

  2. Aww, Snowbell is so pretty. And such a lovely poem. And I definitely agree that it's wonderful that one person's view of imperfection is another person's view of extremely interesting.

    Hope you’re having fun with the A to Z challenge,

  3. Bless your son for the rescue of Snowbell whose wounds were lessened by this act of living 'side-by-side' in soul for all that is One.
    Thank you for this extremely heart warming story and poem Felicity. All feels brighter -
    Garden of Eden Blog

  4. What a wonderful poem to start my day. And Snowbell is a doll! I'm an animal lover too and have had many, many rescue animals by my side. I've had one-eyed hamsters, a hamster with diabetes, a hamster with a broken back that I "walked" daily to give him exercise...and so many others. :) These animals need us!

    Thanks for visiting Whole Foods Living. I'm off to follow you too! See you "online"! ~Angela @AngelaTague

  5. A beautiful poem and a beautiful kitty. So glad your son found Snowball.

  6. sweetness.
    life is valuable, no matter the form!
    happy a to z-ing!

  7. I believe that unconditional love is perfect love. Your poem expresses that beautifully. :)

    The Immarcescible Word

  8. Sweet poem and the picture of Snowbell is even sweeter. :)

  9. Such a sweet poem! I especially loved the first stanza. Very profound.

    True Heroes from A to Z

  10. Beautiful...
    We are all perfect in our individuality... and it would definitely be boring if we all viewed perfection in the same way...

  11. Nicely worded poem! Very visual!
